Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Pilou Asbæk compares Euron to Donald Trump

When we last visited the Iron Islands, Euron Greyjoy had just won the Kingmoot election with a “Make Pyke Great Again” slogan. You might think I’m stretching things, but even Pilou Asbæk, who plays Euron, can’t help but compare his character to figures in American politics, specifically Donald Trump. Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, he called it “a fun thing to do.”

Trump starts out by saying, ‘We need to build walls, we need to do this.’ He’s very bombastic in what he’s saying and his approach to the world. Euron was very bombastic, he was humiliating his niece, he was humiliating his nephew with some rhetoric. He wants to make [Pyke] great again.

Are Euron’s supporters hoping that, now that he’s won the election, he’ll pivot center, as Republicans are praying Trump does? Considering that Euron’s first act as king was to advocate murdering his relations, I’m guessing not. But Asbæk says Yara and Theon may get lucky. “Now [Trump is] going to be maybe selected as the Republican candidate, he needs to be more soft, because he needs the rest of the audience to follow him,” he said. “So maybe Euron will do the same.”

Yara’s clearly not banking on it, though.

On the other side of the aisle, Hillary Clinton made history last night by becoming the first presumptive woman nominee of a major political party in the US, never mind that Bernie Sanders is still holding out. (Coldest headline of the day: Hillary Clinton Made History, but Bernie Sanders Stubbornly Ignored It.) Her fans celebrated the only way they could: by comparing her to Daenerys Targaryen.

Filler of Inboxes, Free Sender of Magnets.

The Unberned, indeed.

When Brother Ray asks Trump what happened to him two seasons from now, he too will have to admit: it was a woman.


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