Friday, March 31, 2017

Game of Thrones meets March Madness, Round 4: Vote for your favorite character in our Final 4

 “Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder.” – Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

We’re three rounds in to our Game of Thrones March Madness tournament, and there have been plenty of surprises. The third round of the tournament — the Sweet 16 — saw some upsets. Let’s take a look at the results before we get to the next round.

Tyrion Lannister vs. Tywin Lannister

Theon Greyjoy vs. Sansa Stark

Jon Snow vs. Oberyn Martell

Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish vs. Daenerys Targaryen

Tyrion vanquishing his father (again) wasn’t shocking, although Tywin was leading during brief periods before Tyrion pulled away over the last few days. Sansa Stark continued her strong showing, taking out Theon Greyjoy. That sets up an awkward matchup as former husband and wife face off for a chance to compete in the championship round.

No upset was bigger than King in the North Jon Snow losing to Oberyn Martell. Despite Oberyn only appearing in only one season, the Red Viper toppled one of the most characters on the show. This matchup was also impressive for because of the numbers involved — over fifteen thousand votes were tallied, six thousand more than any other matchup this round.

Then there’s Dany. Deanerys Targaryen might be on her way to Westeros on the show, but here, her path goes no further. Littlefinger’s fans pushed him onward, and we have a situation where neither Dany nor Jon, both fan favorites, are in the Final Four.

And now we arrive at the new polls. On one side, we have a spousal showdown between Tyrion and Sansa, and on the other we have a dangerous warrior throwing down with a master of chaos. Who will advance to our championship round? Voting lasts but two days this time (just like in the real Final Four), so get your votes in! And remember, there’s no right way to define “favorite character.” Vote for your favorites!

Tyrion Lannister vs. Sansa Stark

Oberyn Martell vs. Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish

  • Round of 32: March 18-22
  • Sweet 16: March 23-24
  • Elite 8: March 25-March 31
  • Final 4: April 1-2
  • Championship Round: April 3


Small Council: Let’s react to the promo trailer for Game of Thrones season 7

HBO released a new promo trailer for Game of Thrones season 7, featuring new footage of Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister and a special guest! Do we love it? Hate it? Somewhere in the middle. Let’s react all over it.

Also, beware of light SPOILERS.

DAN: I loved the promo trailer. First of all, I think it’s a fun novelty that we even got one. We didn’t get something like this for season 6, did we? We had the Hall of Faces teaser, which didn’t involve any actual footage, and then we got the full trailer sometime later. We didn’t get anything like this, something with new footage shot especially for the promo. It’s a great way to bridge the gap.

Okay, tell me if I’m projecting: does Jon not look miserable about being in charge? The whole trailer is about these three characters taking their seats at the table. Dany has that look of steely determination we know so well, Cersei looks like she’s in her element and loving it, and Jon…looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. Maybe I’m reading too deeply into Kit Harington’s resting gloom face, but that’s what I got from it. It would fit, what with Jon always being nominated to positions of authority (whether he wants it or not) whereas Daenerys and Cersei seek them out.

The other big takeaway, for me, is the look at Daenerys’ new throne. I think it’s a great fit for her. It’s stark, it’s severe, it’s intimidating and it just looks really cool. I think she’ll be very happy making sweeping proclamations from that thing.

I didn’t even mind the music this time around, and usually HBO’s choices in the trailers bug me. (Why don’t they just get Ramin Djawadi to write something for the trailers?) I thought it was terrific. How’d the trailer strike you guys?

SARAH: Daenerys has a throne! Cersei has the throne to end all thrones! Jon has…a bench. Poor Jon, always getting the muddy end of the stick.

That said, his seat doesn’t appear to be as inconveniently placed as Dany’s, which looks as if it’s sitting out in the middle of a cave somewhere. Imagine the hilarity when someone tells her that it’s actually the toilet.

I have to agree with Dan: Jon is quite the sourpuss, but that’s no surprise. Nobody can blame him for wanting a quiet life once this is all over. His fake dad is dead, as well as two of his brothers, while Bran and Arya remain MIA. His real dad is A) dead; and B) unknown to him, as is his mother. The woman he loves died in his arms at the hands of a weaselly orphan. He’s spent the last few years living beneath the world’s largest ice cube, risking his life and fighting endless battles against wildlings and demonic zombies. The future of the human race is in his hands and he was literally murdered. Oh, and people are always swearing at him. Seriously. Rewatch seasons 1 – 6 and you’ll see what I mean.

I really enjoyed the teaser. Its message was direct: Cersei has the best catwalk pose. But also that the three powerhouses of Stark, Lannister and Targaryen are finally gearing up to go toe-to-toe, with the ever-terrifying Night King never far from the action.

But back to Cersei. I’m really glad that she was included in this teaser because so many members of our glorious fandom are already counting her out. As a Cersei fan and an avid supporter of her survival to the end of season 8, I was thrilled to see that out of the three of them, she got the last word. It looks as if she’s still got a trick or two up her sleeve. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it again: Don’t count her out.

COREY: I think it’s nice that we’re finally getting down to what the show has been teasing for the past six seasons: the invasion of the White Walkers. Yes, we saw each of the three primary monarchs left in Westeros (sorry, Euron) make the long lonely walk to their respective thrones, but as in the first teaser, the White Walkers are the last thing we see. That’s not an accident. Like the first teaser, where all of the house statues crumble, this teaser reinforces the idea that the White Walkers are the primary threat. Hopefully that means season 7 will finally show them making their way past (or through) the Wall.

I also like the symbolism behind each of the monarch’s thrones. Cersei, who has always desired power above all else, has the most striking and imposing throne, the Iron Throne itself. Dany’s throne is unique, but not as gaudy or overbearing as the Iron Throne — it represents both Dany’s desire to rule as a means to make a better world. And last, we have Jon’s simple bench. There could be no clearer representation of Jon’s complete lack of desire to rule than that.

I think having each leader walk to their destinations by themselves was a deliberate choice to illustrate how each of them is ultimately alone. Yes, they have supporters, but the final decisions will always come down to them. Two thumbs up HBO.

RAZOR: I love how HBO just randomly drops a teaser promo for the biggest show in all of television right in the middle of the afternoon. No warning, no fanfare — just drop it and watch the chaos. Really, only HBO could do this and get away with it. The network knows its audience, and knows that anything remotely related to Game of Thrones will be savagely set upon like a pack hungry hounds eating Ramsay’s face. (Too soon? No.)

The teaser is telling us that while there’s going to be strife between the kings and queens of Westeros, in the end it all pales in comparison to the threat of the Night King and his horde undead minions.

As far as the living monarchs in this teaser go, I think our look at Cersei’s refurbished throne room is the standout moment, followed by Daenerys sitting on the Dragonstone throne. At first glance, Jon gets the short end of the stick as far as new digs go — Winterfell never really changes. But that’s what makes it perfect for Jon. He’s half-Stark, and the Starks are steadfast and consistent. While others are adapting to their new worlds, Jon Snow invites us back to a familiar place, somewhere warm and inviting. All hail the King in the North.

RICHARD: Great teaser, once again. HBO is putting their money on atmospherics, and if my spine-tingling has anything to say about it, it’s paying off. Beautifully shot, and while I wasn’t crazy about the music I think it worked just fine. It symbolically portrays the long walk each main character has had to reach their throne and immediately reduces their achievements in light of the threat of the White Walkers. Their human success thus far seems petty in comparison.

Could we say the teaser also states that the three kings and queens, isolated in their new realms, are utterly vulnerable if they can’t find a way to unite against the common foe, and that will be the great question posed in Season 7? A Westerosi house divided against itself cannot stand? Martin/D&D don’t make the path easy, so we can figure that the three leaders will find a way to decimate each other before the White Walkers come over the horizon. We’ll launch into season 8 with the remnants of the human kingdoms finally joining forces in the face of the seemingly overpowering enemy.

As for who gets crushed first? It’s interesting that Cersei is the leader selected to breathe an icy breath, but I don’t think we can read much into that. Everybody had better be sharpening their Valyrian blades and dragonglass.

KATIE: Although it doesn’t give us much to work with on the outset, I love the teaser for its simplicity. It’s foreboding without overdoing it, and intense without any gimmicks. (Granted, we might be able to call the pop music a gimmick, but in my opinion it’s more of a nice touch that captures the mood.)

As most of my fellow writers have pointed out, this footage pits the last great houses against one another. In a time when they need to band together, it looks as though they won’t recognize the bigger picture — at least, not immediately. Jon knows what’s coming, but Cersei and Daenerys will need convincing. It’s no small wonder. After all, the past six seasons have been more or less about the noble families one-upping each other in their quest for the Iron Throne. That tension has spanned generations, and won’t be broken so easily.

Now, the major contenders for the throne are Cersei, who has it; Daenerys, who wants it; and Jon, who would just… rather not. I agree wholeheartedly with Dan and Sarah: Jon is miserable in a position of power. Indeed, that was made rather clear when he was declared King in the North in the season 6 finale. He was all shock and apprehension. Jon can inspire faith and loyalty, and as such he has the makings of a great leader, but he has no desire to be a king.

In fact, I think that showcasing these would-be monarchs in the season 7 teaser suggests that, in the end, none of them will sit the Iron Throne. It’s just a bit too traditional in a story that upends narrative traditions. The dissolution of the throne is a popular fan theory for series’ end, but even if it remains intact, I think the rug will be pulled out from under us with a less obvious character taking that power. My bet’s on Tyrion, who has so often been denied and stripped of power that granting him the ultimate position would nicely suit his arc. But I digress.

Perhaps it’s a bit premature to speculate on season 8 when this is only a season 7 teaser, but the end has to begin somewhere. While the teaser concentrates on the thrones of Westeros, those who will ultimately sit them will have to take on the White Walkers first.


Game of Thrones all happens in the eye of a giant, and other theories based on the new promo

Yesterday HBO released a new promo trailer for Game of Thrones season 7, and the fan reaction was immediate and clear.

That last one’s disturbing… Anyway, the point is that people were happy.

Other fans, including us, immediately started breaking the promo down and mining it for clues about the new season. Some interesting theories have bubbled up in its wake, including that the entire series takes place in the eye of a giant.

Let’s go back a few years. The giant theory was first mentioned in an offhand way by Robb Stark way back in season 1, when he was talking to Bran about Old Nan’s wacky stories. “One time she told me the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macumber,” he said. “Maybe we do,” replied a sullen Bran.

It was a throwaway moment at the time, but later, in season 4, Oberyn Martell brought up the same idea to Tywin Lannister. “Some believe the king choked,” Tywin said, talking about Joffrey’s recent death. “Some believe the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant,” Oberyn replied.

At minimum, the fact that Robb and Oberyn, two characters who live on opposite ends of Westeros, both know this story establishes that it’s a well-known myth. That doesn’t mean it’s literally true, of course, but the HBO production team has been having fun with the idea in the first two promos for season 7.

First came the statues teaser, featuring statues based on the sigils of the great houses of Westeros tearing each other apart. At the very end, the camera pulls back, revealing that the whole thing is happening inside a blue eye.

Then came yesterday’s “Long Walk” promo, featuring Jon Snow, Daenerys and Cersei slow-walking toward their thrones. Again, at the end, the camera pulls back, and we see that everything’s been happening inside a blue eye.

The obvious conclusion is that the eye belongs to a White Walker. We know they’re coming, we know they’re bad news, and Cersei exhales a chilly breath right before we see the blue eye in the “Long Walk” promo. But others, including the fan behind YouTube channel Alt Shift X, have wondered if that’s really a White Walker’s eye. Alt Shift X notes that it looks similar to the eye of Wun Wun the giant, last seen dying in the Winterfell courtyard in “Battle of the Bastards” (Ramsay puts an arrow through his eye, strangely enough). You can look above at the image comparing the two and decide for yourself. Note the similarity of the brow and the wide nose.

Alt Shift X notes the similarity in the video below — I’ve linked to the point in the video where he talks about it, but the whole thing is worth watching by itself.

If this is Wun Wun’s eye we’re looking at, it could mean that the beloved giant will come back as a wight. We’ve seen the White Walkers revive things other than humans to serve in their army of the dead before — they’ve been seen riding dead horses, and in the books some of the Night’s Watchmen encounter a dead bear. Considering the damage he did in seasons 5 and 6, a zombie Wun Wun would be terrible news for the living.

But Wun Wun died at Winterfell, so if the Night King were going to revive him, he’d have to make his way south. And that’s without bringing up the living-inside-the-eye-of-a-blue-eyed-giant question. I suspect HBO was just reaching for a creepy image to end its promo, but it’s fun to mull over these theories.

And they don’t end there. Redditor dragonmcmx noticed something reflected in that blue eye: the Wall. Take a look at the image below; does dragonmcmx have a point?

Whether this is the eye of a wight or a White Walker, it makes sense he’d have his sights set on the Wall. Again, bad news for the living.

What do you guys think of all these theories? Are they just for fun, or are we through the looking glass?

h/t MoviePilot


Season 7: We break down the new Game of Thrones promo trailer…with GIFs!

HBO gave the internet a gift yesterday by releasing an all-new promo trailer for Game of Thrones season 7. It features Jon Snow (Kit Harington), Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and Cersei Lannister (Lena Heady) taking their seats in the halls of power: Jon in Winterfell, Dany at Dragonstone, and Cersei in King’s Landing on the Iron Throne. Here’s a refresher, in case you somehow forgot:

No one does slow motion walks better than Game of Thrones. And even though we didn’t get much detail from this short teaser, it still makes for some beautiful GIFs.

The teaser starts with Cersei, seen in silhouette, walking through the Red Keep as Jon Snow stalks through Winterfell.

The candles and torches are lit.

Jon looks like he has a lot on his mind.

Next, we have Daenerys exploring Dragonstone, walking through tunnels carved from the rock of the island.

And here’s Cersei strutting towards the Iron Throne.

Jon’s back, and he’s brought his trademark brooding face with him.

He’s looking at the great hall in Winterfell. Last we saw it, Jon was being crowned the King in the North.

Back on Dragonstone, Dany has arrived at the throne room.

Cersei’s reached her destination, as well.

We have a look at the newly remodeled throne room. Notice the House Lannister lions adorning the windows. Time for the age of Cersei.

Yep, Jon’s still brooding and walking…and brooding and walking.

Dany looks serious, as well.

And Cersei’s face betrays her thoughts: “I’m better than these pretenders.”

Dany and Cersei ascend to their thrones.

The two queens take a seat.

Jon doesn’t get a throne, though, so he just sits at the head table. Hardly fair, in my opinion. Although nobody does a smoldering look better than Jon.

Cersei tries, though.

Ditto Dany. Leave the smoldering broody looks to Jon, ladies.


These candles cower under his glare.

Cersei tries to fog the camera up with her icy breath…

…but the Night King is having none of it.

Game of Thrones season 7 premieres on July 16.

This teaser is showing us what season 7 will be about: All three of these characters may be rulers in their own right, but none of that will matter when the Night King and his army come knocking.


Thursday, March 30, 2017

Screencap breakdown: The Game of Thrones season 7 promo trailer

HBO has released a new promo trailer for Game of Thrones season 7, featuring Lena Headey, Kit Harington and Emilia Clarke decked out head to toe as Cersei Lannister, Jon Snow, and Daenerys Targaryen respectively. Let’s break it down shot by show and see what we can learn.

But first, the promo itself:

So this is more involved than the teaser trailer HBO released a few weeks back — the one featuring statues modeled after the House sigils tearing at each other — but shy of a proper trailer. The footage here is new, but not taken from the actual episodes. We’ll take it.

Anyway, the trailer opens with a host of a hard stone floor. A shadow falls over it as a melancholy, drum-heavy remix of James’ “Sit Down” begins to play. It’s Cersei, still wearing a version of her black coronation dress from the season 6 finale.

Next, a shot of Jon Snow stalking the halls of Winterfell. As it’s taken through a doorway, this one is more remote, as though someone is spying on Jon.

Finally, we see Dany walking through her new home, blurry in the background while a big honking shot of flaming candles talks up the foreground. Because fire is her thing.

This is the strategy the promo employs throughout — it cuts between these three characters as each of them take their new seats of power, with varying levels of comfort. We can take this as the theme of the new seasons: three leaders with competing interests posturing while a dire problem elsewhere becomes too big to ignore…


New Baltimore Comic-Con Weapons Policy for 2017

BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – March 30, 2017 – The Baltimore Comic-Con will be held on September 22-24, 2017 at the Inner Harbor’s Baltimore Convention Center.

Our first priority at the Baltimore Comic-Con will always be the safety and welfare of our fans, guests, vendors, and the Baltimore community as a whole. It is with this priority in mind, along with new legislation in the City of Baltimore as well as recent tragedies both at home and abroad, that the Baltimore Comic-Con is prohibiting bringing weapons of any kind into the convention.

The new legislation passed in the city of Baltimore makes possession of replica guns illegal. Replica guns are subject to seizure and forfeiture, and certain penalties are imposed for possession. Further details can be found at the following link:

The following list is not meant to be all-inclusive and the Baltimore Comic-Con reserves the right to prohibit additional items not listed in this policy. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to:

  • Firearms of any kind (including air soft guns, BB guns, cap guns, paintball guns, and pellet guns)
  • Replica firearms (including reproductions, or toy guns that can be confused for actual firearms)
  • Any projectile weapons (including blow guns, crossbows, long bows, silly string, slingshots, water balloons, and water guns)
  • Bladed weapons (including axes, daggers, hatchets, knives and swords, sword canes, and switch blades)
  • Explosives of any type (including black powder, firecrackers, and fireworks)
  • Chemical weapons (including mace and pepper spray)
  • Blunt weapons (including bats, mallets, brass knuckles, clubs, and any type of martial arts weapon)
  • Prop weapons made of anything besides soft plastic or foam. The Baltimore Comic-Con reserves the right to deny admission to individuals attempting to bring any prop into the show deemed unacceptable by staff.

Please note that any replica or prop weapon purchased from a Vendor at the convention must remain in the packaging or be taken out of the convention center.

We completely appreciate the time and effort that so many of our fans and guests put into their costumes and convention attire. Whether dressing for our annual costume contest, cosplay, or simply showing your fandom, we understand that weaponry is often part of the overall presentation. We sincerely hope everyone understands these extra measures that have been designed to preserve a safe and enjoyable environment for all and to ensure compliance with new legislation in Baltimore, and we strongly encourage everyone to continue wearing the costumes on which they have spent so much time and effort.

Thank you in advance for working with us to ensure a safe and fun time is experienced by everyone at the Baltimore Comic-Con.
Visit for more information and to purchase your advanced tickets!

In the coming weeks, look for more announcements from the Baltimore Comic-Con. We are looking forward to highlighting our guests, the Harvey Awards, industry exclusives, and programming. The latest developments can always be found on our website, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook pages.

from Baltimore Comic-Con

Watch HBO’s new promo for Game of Thrones season 7!

HBO just released a new promo for Game of Thrones season 7, featuring Cersei, Daenerys, and Jon Snow taking the Long Walk toward their new seats of power. Watch!

Game of Thrones season 7 comes out July 16. Can’t wait!


New Game of Thrones Season 7 Teaser Trailer

Screen Shot 2017-03-30 at 12.02.26 PM

Slow GoT news week?  Not anymore.

HBO has released a new GoT S7 teaser trailer entitled “Long Walk” that features Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister and the creepy blue-eyed King. A man shall say no more. Just go check it out…


Follow Oz on Twitter

The post New Game of Thrones Season 7 Teaser Trailer appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


Twitter exec on how muting feature can help fans avoid Game of Thrones spoilers

People like tweeting about Game of Thrones. They like it a lot, actually — speaking to Vanity Fair through email, Twitter product manager Rishi Tembe said that #GameofThrones was one of the 10 most tweeted hashtags last year.

And that’s all well and good, but what happens when the wrong tweets reach the wrong ears? Live-tweeting TV shows is very popular, and live-tweeting new episodes of Game of Thrones more popular still. But if there’s a Twitter user who can’t see the episode immediately, they run the risk of getting spoiled, and that’s not fun for anyone.

How to avoid this problem? Well, those fans could stay off Twitter until they saw the episode. That would work. But if not, Tembe reminds people that they can take advantage of Twitter’s advanced muting features. Originally introduced last year to deal with online harassment, they’re also handy for fans who want to keep themselves in the dark about big plot twists. Tembe broke it down:

We always wanted to expand on the mute feature work we did in November, which lets you remove certain keywords, phrases, or entire conversations from your notifications. Now, you can mute from your home timeline, and you can decide how long this content is muted—one day, one week, one month, or indefinitely…Now, whether people are in a different time zone, or just can’t make it home in time for their favorite show, they’ll be able to better avoid spoilers on the platform.

So basically, come season 7, just mute “Game of Thrones,” “GoT,” and the corresponding hashtags for however long it takes for you to get to the TV, and you should be able to enjoy the show fresh as a daisy. Just click on your Twitter icon, choose “Privacy and Settings,” and then “Muted Words.”

This functionality wasn’t implemented by the time season 6 wrapped up, so there was no protecting fans from Twitter spoilers about, say, Hodor’s death (except Twitter abstinence, of course). But even looking forward, this isn’t a fool-proof system. After all, before The Winds of Winter aired, who knew that they would need to block #HolyCrapCerseiJustBlewUpFiveCityBlocks? Still, it’s good to have options.


Will the Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience help Ramin Djawadi finally win an Emmy?

(Photo by J. Kempin/Getty Images)

The Emmy voters have been showering Game of Thrones with awards for the past two years now — 23 nominations for season 6 and 24 for season 5. All told, the show has earned 38 Emmys during its six years on the air, more than any other drama in history. Is there really room for complaint?

Yes there is. Somehow, despite turning out terrific music for six seasons now, composer Ramin Djawadi has yet to earn an Emmy for his work on the show…or at all. In addition to writing for Thrones, Djawadi has also worked on Prison Break on Fox, The Strain on FX, and Westworld on HBO. That last one may well earn him a nomination for Outstanding Music Composition for a Series at the 69th Annual Emmy Awards this September, but for the guy who composed “Light of the Seven,” it may read as too little, too late.

Consider that Djawadi has been nominated for an Outstanding Music Composition Emmy only only, in 2014, for his work on season 4’s “The Mountain and the Viper.” And he wasn’t nominated at all in 2011, the year the show’s iconic main title track debuted. That year, the award for Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music went to Showtime’s The Borgias.

It’s true that the nominating process for Outstanding Music Composition is arcane — composers must nominate themselves rather than relying on public relations people, and the voting system is different — but there’s no reason Djawadi can’t break through. Because Game of Thrones season 7 won’t air until after the eligibility period for the 69th Emmys closes, neither he nor anyone else from the show will be up for awards this year. But they’ll be back for the 2018 and 2019 Emmys, and it’s there that the Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience could give him a boost.

For the past month and change, Djawadi has been touring North American with a full orchestra and choir playing songs from Game of Thrones to sold-out venues. It’s a terrific show, and has raised Djawadi’s profile beyond that of the ordinary TV composer. What’s more, he’s contemplated “a sequel” to the show that will include music from season 7, which could keep that momentum going.

We hope Djawadi rides that momentum toward an Emmy win before long. Awards aren’t everything — Djawadi will certainly get along fine without them — but it would feel strange if he ended his trail-blazing run on Game of Thrones without at least a couple of gaudy golden statues to show for it.

Here are the few remaining dates for the Game of Thrones Live Concert Experience:

  • 3/31: Seattle, WA – Key Arena
  • 4/1: Vancouver, BC – Rogers Arena
  • 4/2: Portland, OR – Moda Center


Aidan Gillen (Littlefinger) joins the cast of Netflix’s Peaky Blinders

Actor Aidan Gillen has been played Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish on Game of Thrones for six years. According to Entertainment Weekly, he’ll soon add a new TV credit to his resume: Peaky Blinders, a post-World War I Netflix drama that follows the exploits of a family of gangsters living in Birmingham, England. He’ll be joining the show’s fourth season in an unnamed role. Academy Award-winner Adrian Brody (The Pianist) is also coming aboard.

Filming for the fourth season of Peaky Blinders began in March, meaning Gillen was most likely finished with filming on Game of Thrones season 7 by the time he started. Also, we don’t know how big or small Gillen’s part in the Netflix drama will be, or for how long he will be attached to that show.

Still, we can’t help but be a little worried about what Gillen taking on a new TV role means for Littlefinger. We’re reminded of when Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell) was cast in the lead role of Marvel’s Iron Fist (also on Netflix). That announcement was made before season 6 debuted. And then Loras died in the season 6 finale. So we’re jumpy.

Will Littlefinger die in Game of Thrones season 7? While he’s an important character, the show doesn’t focus on him to the extent it does on the likes of Jon Snow, Daenerys, Bran, Arya, Sansa, Jaime and Cersei. With only 13 episodes of the show left, relevance is relative, although everyone’s in danger of getting the axe.

We can imagine scenarios where he meets his end. Most obviously, there are those White Walkers trying to get over the Wall — political maneuvering is lost on them. Closer to home, Littlefinger is now inside Winterfell, navigating an uneasy new alliance between the Northerners, the wildlings and the Knights of the Vale. Might he get caught in the crossfire? Might Sansa, his apprentice, take a cue from her master and try to remove from the board?

Or maybe he’ll be fine. After all, filming on Game of Thrones season 8 won’t begin until September, probably long after filming on Peaky Blinders season 4 is over. So we’ll try and ignore the little alarm bells in our heads.

Game of Thrones season 7 premieres on July 16. According to Digital Spy, Peaky Blinders season 4 will most likely air late 2017.


Check out these ASOIAF-inspired paintings by artist Ted Nasmith

If you’ve ever had a chance to read The World of Ice and Fire by George R.R. Martin, Elio M. García Jr. and Linda Antonsson, you’ll remember the book’s wonderful artwork. It includes some stunning depictions of iconic locales from A Song of Ice and Fire, including the below picture of the Eyrie. Scroll through to see even more.

Paintings of scenes from A Song of Ice and Fire

It’s easy to see from this painting why — according to the book — the folks of the Vale often argue with the inhabitants of the Reach over which castle is more beautiful: the Eyrie or Highgarden.

The artist behind this work is Ted Nasmith, an illustrator best known for paintings based on the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. Nasmith was inspired by Tolkien’s work at a young age, but in recent years has turned his attention to Westeros. In addition to The World of Ice and Fire, his renderings also appeared in the 2011 Song of Ice and Fire calendar. George R.R. Martin even wrote that he considers Nasmith’s illustrations for the calendar to be “THE definitive depictions of thirteen of the great castles of Westeros.”

Martin certainly found the right artist to give life to imagination. It’s particularly fun to look at the buildings we haven’t yet seen on TV, like Eastwatch by the Sea.

As an avid collector of Game of Thrones fanart, I’m very intrigued by these.

Nasmith doesn’t just paint awe-inspiring pictures of castles; he’s also turned his hand to characters and scenes from the books too. Take a look at these sketches of some of our favorite characters, and see how they differ from their on-screen incarnations.

The beastly-looking Tyrion is certainly a departure from the Tyrion we see on screen, which is no surprise. In the books, Tyrion’s ugliness is referenced frequently, while Peter Dinklage is a very handsome man. However, if these drawings more closely resemble what Martin had in mind when conceiving the characters, it looks like Sophie Turner’s casting as Sansa Stark was right on the nose.

How do Nasmith’s drawings compare to your mental images of people and places from the series?


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Crack the Sky Cracks the Video Market (1982)

By Tom Basilan (Baltimore Sun, July 2, 1982)

The hour was late. The auditorium lights in Painters Mill Star Theater were dimmed while the stage lights gleamed.

The 1982 model Crack the Sky, fully equipped with a horn section and a backup vocal trio, was filling the hall with sound.

The Softones vocal group leaned into their mikes and crisply, harmoniously delivered the song’s theme—”Skin, skin, skin, skin, skin, Skin Deep.”

Across the stage, the four bebop gangsters with the horns added the instrumental punctuation marks.

The guitars, drums and keyboards came in on cue, the song surged ahead, stylish music performed with precision and artistry. When it was over, about 30 people clapped.

Only 30 people clapped because that is all the witnesses still around to hear the song. This was illusion, not the real thing. Crack the Sky, initial Baltimore favorites, was easing into the age of video.

A few hours earlier, the band had begun a sold out Painters Mill concert that had the fans in heat. The show had been videotaped by a crew from Sheffield Audios in Jacksonville for assembly into a visual package of Crack tunes.

But there had been problems with the sound during the live set. And the crew needed to capture a few close-ups of the musicians in the throes of intense rock and roll rapture.

So the building was cleared and the Cracksters returned to the stage to recreate the concert magic for the cameras.

When it was all done, John Palumbo was asked if it is hard to capture the feeling without an audience. “It’s impossible,” he said.

Palumbo, born in Ohio but lately transplanted to Baltimore, was one tired rock and roller by this time.

The band is halfway through recording their next album at the Sheffield studio in Baltimore County. The concert had been a high-energy deal. The remedial videotaping had its highs and lows.

The band is also preparing for a concert tomorrow night in Ocean City. They are slated to headline a show at the Convention Center, and will repeat their Painters Mill presentation for a crowd of Fourth of July weekend partyers.

“It should be a good time for us,” Palumbo enthused through his fatigue. “It’s always good for us.”

Indeed, the Baltimore region is probably his band’s biggest stronghold. Crack music, which Palumbo accurately described by saying, “We don’t do regular music,” had found a spot in the hearts of the Baltimore audience, even Cracking the night playlist of WIYY-FM (98 Rock).

The band is prone to do things like throw in a few snatches of “America the Beautiful,” and “All You Need Is Love” during their rendition of their own song, “Surf City.”

It is idiosyncratic stuff, given to sudden stops, starts and shifts, outbreaks of jazz horn riffs and assorted musical doodads. It is music that requires the listeners to put something into it, then rewards them when they do.

And, you can dance to it. Palumbo plays a right funky rhythm guitar, and orchestrated the horns to reinforce the soul.

When the videotaping was finished, Palumbo switched out of his rock and roll judo suit and into some jogging shorts for a brief interview. He revealed he has a low opinion of the video art. It was based, not on the fact that the taping had kept the band around for an extra few hours, but rather on a feeling that the form lacks artistic merit.

Video tapes, though, are becoming an important part of the equipment rock bands need to get exposure these days. Cable music networks, record store displays and video nightclubs all have a voracious appetite for material, giving a band a shot at enlarging its audience.

If ever a band seemed ripe to conquer new fans, Crack the Sky is it. Their concert presentation is elaborate and polished. Their songs are jammed with substance and rendered in pleasing form. Palumbo has been toiling in the vineyards of rock and roll for years.

from Baltimore Or Less

Video: Someone made a motorized LEGO version of the Red Keep from Game of Thrones

Claus-Marc Hahn from Bricks Creations uses LEGO to recreate iconic people, places and things from books, television and film. Just recently, Hahn revealed his LEGO version of the Red Keep from Game of Thrones. And it’s motorized, meaning it spins and pivots like the Red Keep as it appears in the intro to the show. Check it out:

This LEGO Red Keep took 125,000 pieces to complete, weighs 143 pounds, and takes 16 engines with 16 sensors to operate. Bricks Creation also built many of the people who at one time or another have inhabited King’s Landing, as well as other random Game of Thrones characters. Here’s Oberyn Martell:

And the Night King and his White Walker lieutenants:

Sandor “The Hound” Clegane, complete with burned face.

You can see lots more Game of Thrones LEGO characters by visiting Bricks Creations’ Facebook page, including this delightful goddam horrifying depiction of Ramsay Bolton torturing Theon Greyjoy.

As long as we’re talking about Game of Thrones LEGO creations, YouTube channel Beyond the Brick has a couple of others. Here’s the Greyjoy familial home on Pyke…

…and here’s The Wall and Castle Black as seen in the penultimate episode of Game of Thrones season 4, “The Watchers on the Wall.”

I have to tip my cap to Claus-Marc Hahn and others for their patience in creating this stuff. I just don’t have the mental stability required to make something like that on this scale. Imagine if the Great Sept of Baelor was made from LEGO blocks — everyone in King’s Landing would be stepping on LEGO pieces for years.

Finally, this isn’t LEGO, but it’s fun:

h/t Culturess


Iain Glen on Jorah’s love life and that deteriorating yellow outfit

Iain Glen has been playing the lovelorn Jorah Mormont for six years on Game of Thrones. He’s become pretty well-associated with the character, so fans may be surprised to learn that many in the UK know him best as another character: the hard-drinking Irish detective Jack Taylor, the main character in a series of the same name that’s been running since 2010, a year before Thrones debuted.

Vanity Fair’s Joanna Robinson, that publication’s Westeros correspondent, recently spoke to Glen about both characters, Jorah’s fate in the final two seasons of Game of Thrones, and his iconic yellow outfit (with blue scarf), which has to be getting pretty worn after six seasons of hard use. “They found it for me, a costume that just felt right,” he said. “I don’t know. It just felt like it belonged and belonged to him.”

I think Jorah just needs to land in a safer place, and then he’ll have time to change his clothing. Get cleaned up a little.

We can’t imagine how it must smell by now — my god, the things its seen.

But with greyscale currently spreading all over Jorah’s body, fashion may be the least of his problems. “In all honesty, no one is more worried than me,” Glen said of Jorah’s prospects. “There’s a high death rate in Thrones, and I desperately don’t want to be part of that number. We’ll have to see what unfolds.”

After all, the guy still has so much to do before he dies. He’s been trying to win Daenerys’ love for six seasons, so far without success. Glen commented on how Jorah’s perpetual unluckiness in love strikes a chord with fans. “Yeah, it’s sweet, the fan reactions. I think that they wish Jorah well, and I think they wish he would—that he deserves physical love in return or something. I don’t know. I mean, the male fans react a little differently. But there is a certain female fan where maybe they see themselves in the story, and as long as you’re failing as Jorah, you’re maybe still more available for them in a funny way.”

Jack is a polar opposite in that he will get himself into terrible sexual pickles all the time, and is always doing very inappropriate things like having sex with the major suspect and that sort of stuff. He goes there without thinking and then ponders it afterwards, and Jorah ponders it too much, I think. Not that Jorah’s ever going to get it. Well, he might. Who knows?

Game of Thrones season 7 debuts on July 16. In the meantime, fans can catch Glen in Jack Taylor on Acorn TV.


Announcing the Winner of our Spring is Here Giveaway!

Game of Thrones crystal Iron Throne1

Giveaways are our favorite way to while away the days as we wait for a proper Game of Thrones trailer, this lazy spring, so we threw another one this past week! The prize at stake: a beautiful collectible 3D Crystal Iron Throne, created by Dark Horse Comics. Many, many entries later,  the time has come to announce the winner of our latest Game of Thrones giveaway!

We’re happy to announce the winner is…

Lisa Wahlberg!


Congratulations, Lisa! We’ll be in touch about sending you your rightful throne.

Thank you to every person who entered the giveaway, and stay tuned for more Game of Thrones giveaways in the future!

The post Announcing the Winner of our Spring is Here Giveaway! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Iain Glen on Jorah’s iconic outfit and unrequited love

Jorah scene

In a new interview with Vanity Fair, Iain Glen discusses his worries for Jorah’s future, fan reactions to his onscreen love-life and his quintessential yellow-shirt-blue-scarf combo!

Iain Glen recently took a starring role in TV3’s Jack Taylor, an Irish mystery series currently streaming in America  When Vanity Fair caught up with the actor, talk naturally turned to the differences between his roles as a hard-drinking detective and everyone’s favourite exiled knight.  For one thing, as Jack Taylor, Glen gets to wear a smart, statement blue coat, a refreshing change from Jorah’s infamous tattered yellow shirt.  However, it seems that Glen has become quite attached to his Game of Thrones’ threads, saying, ‘they found it for me, a costume that just felt right. I don’t know. It just felt like it belonged and belonged to him.’  It doesn’t look like he’ll be changing any time soon either, as Glen added, ‘I think Jorah just needs to land in a safer place, and then he’ll have time to change his clothing. Get cleaned up a little.’

Whether or not Jorah will ever find himself in a safe place, a rarity in Thrones at the best of times, remains to be seen.  The actor commented, ‘In all honesty, no one is more worried than me. There’s a high death rate in Thrones, and I desperately don’t want to be part of that number. We’ll have to see what unfolds.’

Glen also discussed the disparity between his two character’s sex lives.  While Jack Taylor often finds himself in sticky sexual situations, poor Jorah is still pining unrequitedly after his Khaleesi.  He comments,  ‘Jorah ponders it too much, I think….Jorah’s (n)ever going to get it. Well, he might. Who knows?’  However, Glen also believes that while most fans wish Jorah well and hope he gets a little love in return, some might actually prefer him to remain single.  ‘It’s sweet, the fan reactions….But there is a certain female fan where maybe they see themselves in the story, and as long as you’re failing as Jorah, you’re maybe still more available for them in a funny way.’

You can read the rest of the interview and find out more about Jack Taylor here.

The post Iain Glen on Jorah’s iconic outfit and unrequited love appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


A Clash of Kings comic book coming this June, featuring variant covers

Fans of the Song of Ice and Fire comics from Dynamite Entertainment should start getting excited — artist Magali Villeneuve tweeted an image of her artwork for the cover of A Clash of Kings #1, which will be available June 7. Take a look at her rendering of Stannis and Shireen:

Villeneuve did the artwork for the 2016 A Song of Ice and Fire calendar, which is similarly rich in detail. That calendar featured an illustration for “Mercy,” an Arya Stark chapter from The Winds of Winter, the as-yet unpublished sixth volume in the ASOIAF series. As for the Clash of Kings comic, it’s being adapted by writer Landry Quinn Walker with art by Mel Rubi.

According to, there will be variant covers of the first issue. Here’s Mike S. Miller’s variant cover featuring Melisandre, Stannis, Shireen and the fool Patchface, the latter of whom was cut from the show.

Here here we have The World of Ice and Fire artist Marc Simonetti’s variant cover, featuring Melisandre looking at the red comet from the walls of Dragonstone:

And finally, here’s Rubi’s variant cover featuring Melisandre, Stannis, and a third character who is possibly Maester Cressen (notice the chain around his neck).

These comics are perfect if you want to quickly breeze your way through each book, and if history is any guide, the illustrations will be fantastic. If you’re interested, you can purchase the A Game of Thrones comics (24 in all) from Dynamite Entertainment. The individual comics have been compiled into four graphic novels going for $25 a piece. Or you can still buy each comic separately for $3.99.


Happy nameday to Stephen Dillane and Julian Glover!

They’re separated by 22 years, but it just so happens that Game of Thrones cast members Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon) and Julian Glover (Grand Maester Pycelle) share the same birthday: March 27. Today, we’d like to celebrate them, whether they want it or not.

When I say that, I’m thinking mostly of Dillane, who inhabited the role of Stannis so well I hesitate to display too much frivolity when discussing him — I don’t imagine Stannis went in for birthday parties. Born in 1957, Dillane became a decorated theater actor, earning Tony, Theater World and Desk Drama Awards over the course of his long career. He did Shakespeare, he did Chekhov, he did Kushner — the guy came well-equipped by the time he appeared as Stannis in Game of Thrones season 2.

Dillane didn’t do many interviews during his time on the show, and when he did give them, he was curt and to the point. Check out this interview from the 2014 BAFTAS where he answered a string of silly questions and tell me he wasn’t the perfect choice to play Stannis:

Outside of Game of Thrones, Dillane is probably be best known for his stage work, but he’s spent plenty of time onscreen, too, including roles as Merlin in 2004’s King Arthur and Horatio in the 1990 version of Hamlet. He’s been even more successful on television, where he has a leading role in the British-French crime drama The Tunnel and made-waves with a guest-starring role in the Golden Globe-winning The Crown.

Dillane is 60 today.

Julian Glover has worked extensively on the stage, too, although his film credits are a little flashier than Dillane’s. They include General Maximillian Veers, one of Darth Vader’s lieutenants, in The Empire Strikes Back

…Bond villain Aristotle Kristatos in 1981’s For Your Eyes Only

…Nazi collaborator Walter Donovan in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (you may remember better as “The guy who’s face melted off at the end”)…

…and an alien who got punched in the face in Doctor Who.

Clearly, Glover’s been around, and Game of Thrones benefitted from his wealth of experience when he signed on to play the crafty Pycelle. He’s 82 today.

Happy birthday to both Dillane and Glover!


Sunday, March 26, 2017

WiC Weekly: March 19-25

Welcome to WiC Weekly, where we recap the biggest Game of Thrones-related news stories from the past week. As we wound down from the info-dump at SXSW, fans and cast members stepped up. And sometimes we made our own fun.

Let’s start with a wistful remembrance from Game of Thrones frontman Kit Harington, who’s starting to feel the end of the show weigh down on him.

Next, although we have yet to see Game of Thrones season 7, some people are already getting glimpses of season 8.

Game of Thrones may be ending soon, but George R.R. Martin may be working on a replacement…or two.

But don’t worry: Martin is also hard at work on the Song of Ice and Fire books. He gave some insight into his process during an event at his Jean Cocteau Cinema.

Turning to teases for Game of Thrones season 7, the show’s art director had some promising words during a lecture at the University of the Basque Country.

But if you happen to know, don’t reveal anyway about what those “amazing scenes” entail, at least not if you want to avoid the wrath of Liam Cunningham.

We’ve peered into the future. Now let’s look into the past, starting with a key scene from “Mother’s Mercy’ that changed during the transition from page to screen.

Let’s get frivolous with it. We collect more fan-made posters for Game of Thrones season 7.

Let’s get far afield. We review Iron Fist, Marvel’s new Netflix show that comes complete with two Game of Thrones alumni.

Finally, we’ve been pitting character against character in a Game of Thrones March Madness tournament. Make sure to vote for your favorites!


Funnies: Seth Meyers compares Hillary Clinton to Arya Stark, and new Power Hour episodes

Game of Thrones is actually all about comedy, didn’t you know? Hidden underneath all the sex, lies and betrayals is a spring of comedy, and we bring it to you. First up, Late Night with Seth Meyers host Seth Meyers, recently compared former Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton to everyone’s favorite teenage assassin, Arya Stark. Meyers is a well known Game of Thrones fan, and has often used the show for material on his late night gig. Thanks to the Independent, we have the hilarious video of Meyers continuing that trend.

Next up, our unabashed love for the Game of Thrones themed retro talk show Power Hour continues, with two new episodes that are absolutely brilliant. Watch below.

“More like flower hour, right virgin?” These episodes capture so many of the nuances of Game of Thrones, we applaud the creators, the Los Angeles based sketch comedy group, Practical Folks. The above episode takes place during Stannis’ siege of King’s Landing, and features a very drunk Cersei Lannister, and overly positive Sansa Stark, and of course, a snotty little Joffrey. Sansa’s hesitation when declaring Joffrey King’s Landing’s valiant protector is perfect.

And in the second episode, regular host Petyr Baelish returns, and special guest Margaery Tyrell makes an appearance. If this stuff doesn’t make you laugh out loud, perhaps get yourself checked for a heartbeat. Littlefinger’s comment about Margaery giving the public access made us laugh for a solid thirty seconds.

And while not comedic, it turns out System of a Down front man Serj Tankian is a Game of Thrones fan, as the singer made a guest appearance at the Game of Thrones Live Concert experience. The heavy metal singer gave us a stirring rendition of “The Rains of Castamere.” LoudWire brings us the video.




Saturday, March 25, 2017

Game of Thrones as Myth: Jaqen H’ghar as the Archetypal Shapeshifter

What is an archetype? In fantasy and myth, certain types of characters constantly reappear: stalwart Heroes, odd Mentors offering talismans, Threshold Guardians and their tests, and more. In this series, we take a fast and fun look at Game of Thrones characters and what traditional archetypes they fall into. This time: Jaqen H’ghar.

This series examines how Game of Thrones characters fit into the archetypal frameworks developed by mythologist Joseph Campbell (The Hero with a Thousand Faces) and the more modern version by Christopher Vogler (The Writer’s Journey). Both Campbell and Vogler employ the works of psychiatrist Carl G. Jung. Along with many other academics, Jung suggested that the archetypes of myth and legend sprang from a human collective unconscious, since they appear in so many different cultures separated by space and time.

“In describing these common character types, symbols and relationships, the Swiss psychologist Carl G. Jung employed the term ‘archetypes,’ meaning ancient terms of personality that are the shared heritage of the human race.” —Christopher Vogler

Campbell argues that human beings are biologically hardwired to understand the symbolism and expression of character archetypes. Otherwise, we would be incapable of participating in the shared human experience of storytelling.

“Summoned or not, the God will come.” —Motto over the door of Carl G. Jung’s house

Svipdag Transformed by John Bauer 1911

As we segue into Game of Thrones, it’s important to remember that archetype is not a straightjacketed category but rather a flexible function of storytelling. Any individual character can (and usually does) express various archetypal traits or even moves from one category to another as the story unfolds.

Superficially speaking, Jaqen H’ghar is an obvious Shapeshifter — he literally changes the shape of his face. Metaphorically, he moves through a number of other archetypes, including Mentor and Threshold Guardian. It can be argued that his primary role is that of Mentor or Threshold Guardian for Arya, but in this article we’re going to explore his function as the Shapeshifter.

Shapeshifters are an ancient archetype, appearing in the earliest totemism and shamanism. They’re also present in the oldest recorded stories we know, such as Humbaba changing forms to counter Gilgamesh’s blows in The Epic of Gilgamesh and the goddess Athena altering the appearance of Odysseus in The Odyssey. While the ancient Greek gods were usually the purveyors of the shapeshifting arts, witches and sorcerers in stories from the Middle Ages also had the skill.

As a member of the Faceless Men guild in Braavos, Jaqen is a part of a death cult. Its members assassinate victims in return for lavish pay from clients. His character has parallels with Proteus, an early mythical Greek sea-god whom Homer describes as the “Old Man of the Sea.” Jaqen isn’t a sea god, but like Proteus, he is capable of transforming himself, though in a far more limited fashion. (Where shapeshifting is concerned, Jaqen seemed restricted to humans; he is not able to perform therianthropy, the metamorphosing of a human being into an animal or vice-versa). Proteus is also able to see into the future—as we’ll explore later, Jaqen may have this talent as well.

The character of Jaqen H’ghar is inextricably linked to Arya Stark. They first meet in the season 2 episode “The Night Lands.” Arya rescues Jaqen and two other criminals from a burning cart, thus saving them from death. Jaqen feels honor-bound to restore the balance, as the rules of his death cult demand. He reappears to Arya and offers a proposal in “The Ghost of Harrenhall” (S2/Ep5):

Jaqen: “A man pays his debts. The man owes three.”

Arya: “Three what?”

Jaqen: “The Red God takes what is his, lovely girl. And death may only pay for life … You stole three deaths from the Red God—we have to give them back.”

Arya doesn’t know what she’s dealing with at this point, but she is in the presence of a kind of shapeshifter, a death cult monk who operates as an assassin and acts according to a distinct methodology. Jaqen will become her supernatural aid and Mentor, an often-crucial element of the Hero’s Journey described by Joseph Campbell:

For those who have not refused the call, the first encounter of the hero-journey is with a protective figure (often a little old crone or old man) who provides the adventurer with amulets against the dragon forces he is about to pass.

Mentors can often be shapeshifters, especially in mythological and fantasy realms, such as the wizard Merlin in the Arthurian tales, who can take the form of both beasts and men.

Jaqen ends up killing more than three people in order to satisfy his debt to Arya, which seems acceptable according to the Faceless Men rules. After Arya escapes Harrenhal, Jaqen reappears to her in the wilderness (“Valar Morghulis” S2/Ep10) and offers to take her home to Braavos and the House of Black and White, where she can become an acolyte and learn his mysterious trade. “The girl has many names on her lips,” he says, “Joffrey, Cersei, Tywin Lannister, Meryn Trant, Ilyn Payne, The Hound. Names to offer up to the Red God. She could offer them all, one by one.”

Jaqen’s reappearance here is interesting, because he has already fulfilled his debt to Arya. He must see something in her — perhaps her strong sense of self and her obsession with killing and death — and tries to recruit her into his order. As if he knows Arya will eventually come to him, Jaqen furnishes her with a talisman: a Braavosi coin. The iron coin does not have magical properties, but he describes it as a “coin of great value,” and it will allow her to find him whenever she decides. If it’s not literally magical, it certainly feels like it.

Jaqen then reveals his secret ability — shapeshifting — by altering his face in front of Arya, and departs. Temptation is often an important tool of the shapeshifter. Like the wicked queen who transforms into the old woman and offers Snow White the poisoned apple, Jaqen’s gift of the coin is delivered from a realm and with a promise Arya does not understand. This leaves Arya to choose between either trusting or avoiding this intriguing chameleon, a common problem for heroes, as Vogler describes:

Heroes frequently encounter figures, often of the opposite sex, whose primary characteristic is that they often appear to change constantly from the hero’s point of view … Shapeshifters change in appearance or mood and are often difficult for the hero and the audience to pin down. They may mislead the hero or keep her guessing, and their loyalty or sincerity are often in question.

When Arya eventually decides to go down the rabbit hole and arrives at the House of Black and White in season 5, Jaqen greets her as a shapeshifter, first appearing as an older man. He becomes her Mentor as her training among the Faceless Men begins, and constantly measures her progress.

Like the ancient Greek sorceress Circe, who takes Odysseus into the Underworld in Homer’s The Odyssey, Jaqen shows Arya the ways of “raising” the dead. In “Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken” (S5/Ep6), Jaqen takes Arya into the Hall of Faces (another kind of Underworld) and prepares her for what’s ahead. “Is the girl ready? … No. she is not ready to become ‘no one.’ But she is ready to become someone else.”

He gives her an assignment: assassinate an insurance broker known as “the thin man,” a mission she fails. Afterwards, Jaqen displays more qualities of the shapeshifter when he drinks poison and apparently dies before the Waif takes on his face, making it seem as though he is still alive. Later, after Arya fails another assassination mission, Jaqen briefly transforms into a Threshold Guardian when he sends the Waif to kill Arya. Arya must now overcome Jaqen’s brutal punishments (tests) in order to continue her journey. Jaqen changes roles as easily as he changes faces.

In season 8’s “No One,” Arya defeats the Waif in battle and confronts Jaqen himself.

Arya: “You told her to kill me.”

Jaqen: “Yes. But here you are. And there she is. Finally, the girl is no one.”

Arya: “A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I am going home.”

Strangely, Arya’s defiance seems to please Jaqen H’ghar. Here is where I suggest that Jaqen can, like Proteus, see into the future (through a kind of necromancy, perhaps), or at least that the Faceless Men, like Melisandre and the Red Priestesses of R’hllor, understand the White Walker threat and are working to prepare for it. It’s possible that Jaqen and the Faceless Men have intentionally groomed Arya into a well-trained assassin to combat this evil, a ‘someone’ free to act as they desire who can use their shapeshifting skills to fight alongside the living against the undead.


Shapeshifter archetypes need not be capable of actual physical transformation. They often take the form of sexual partners — think of fictional femme fatales like Matilda in The Monk (1796) and Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct. But since the Arya-Jaqen relationship is not romantic, this aspect of the archetype does not apply.

Vogler states that “an important purpose of the shapeshifter archetype is to express the energy of the anima and the animus, terms from the psychology of Carl Jung.” The animus is the name for the male aspects of the female unconscious, and the anima is the opposite: the female aspects of the male unconscious. These opposite sex aspects of the hero’s personality are often kept tightly repressed within the hero by the norms of their society. But since the shapeshifter revels in this explosive dichotomy, their mentorship can allow the hero to unleash these powerful forces from within. Arya’s journey is largely about a woman trying to recover power territorialized by the men who run the male-dominated society in which she lives, and Jaqen is there to assist her along the way.

The animus and anima conflicts raised in the hero by the shapeshifter may be positive or negative — they can help a hero or destroy her. In some stories, it’s the task of the hero to figure out which side, positive or negative, she is dealing with and/or wants to ally herself with. For example, in the X-Men universe, the shapeshifter Mystique (above) is primarily a villain (and like Jaqen, she can mimic other human forms, and is apparently ageless), but she is also the adoptive mother of the hero Rogue, who has a complicated relationship with good and evil because of her.

The Shapeshifter archetype can also be a catalyst for change — Arya transforms from a wandering misfit to a magical assassin under Jaqen’s tutelage. This function of the shapeshifter can be seen in the character of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series, a professor of Potions who does not literally transform but instead falsely presents himself as an enemy to Harry when his true purpose is to antagonize the young boy in a fashion that prepares him for the battles ahead. The wizard Merlin (a true physical shapeshifter, being a cambion: the child of a mortal woman and an incubus) also serves the same function with Arthur Pendragon, forging him into a man who can withstand the trials and difficulties of kingship.


It’s impossible to know who exactly Jaqen is, or how long he’s been doing what he does. He could be an ancient shapeshifter (the order of the Faceless Men is older than the Doom of Valyria, at least), a self-erased creature so dissipated that it is unafraid (and apparently unaffected) by death. For all we know, a man named “Jaqen” could have died hundreds of years before, his likeness now a husk inhabited by an anonymous ghost whose original identity is completely unknown to anyone, perhaps even to itself.

(All quotes by Joseph Campbell are from The Hero with a Thousand Faces unless otherwise noted. All quotes by Christopher Vogler are from The Writer’s Journey unless otherwise noted.)

Jaqen H’ghar as the Shapeshifter: Specifics

House: The Faceless Men Guild, The House of Black and White
Sigil: Iron Coin
Animal: Moulting Snake, Chameleon
Weapon: Assassination
Nemesis: Arya Stark
Sidekick: The Waif
Greatest Love: the Many-Faced God
Greatest strength: Surety of purpose
Greatest Weakness: Intractable religious beliefs
Greatest Mystery: Metamorphosis
Color: Black and White
Tarot Card: Death
Ice Cream: Morgenstern’s Finest Black and White Ice Cream (coconut ash & vanilla)
Future Prospects (Season 7): He’s already dead, so nobody can hurt him.

Other articles in the ARCHETYPE and HERO’S JOURNEY series:

Hero’s Journey: Jon Snow

Hero’s Journey: Daenerys Targaryen

(Anti) Hero’s Journey: Tyrion Lannister

Alliser Thorne as Archetypal Threshold Guardian

Melisandre as Archetypal Dark Herald

Osha as Archetypal Protector

Jon Snow as Archetypal Hero

Daenerys Targaryen as Archetypal Hero

Hero’s Journey: Bran Stark

Hero’s Journey: Arya Stark

Hero’s Journey Update: Season 6

Qyburn as Archetypal Shadow

Ser Davos as Archetypal Sage

Ser Jorah as the Archetypal Dishonored Knight

Other Myth and Story-related Articles

Dire Wolves: Real and GRRM Imagined

The Happy Relationships on Game of Thrones
