Thursday, December 3, 2015

Check out this Interactive timeline of Robert’s Rebellion

Have you ever wanted to know where Ned Stark was when Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark fled to the Tower of Joy in Dorne? How about what Jaime Lannister was doing when the usurper Robert Baratheon was marching to the Trident? Well, wonder no more, as the good people at Plotist have made an interactive timeline of Robert’s Rebellion using their proprietary story-structuring application. The events that led up to the beginning of Game of Thrones have been much-discussed topic among fans of the series, and this provides a cool way of looking at them.

Robert's Rebellion TL

The staff at Plotist have long been fans of George R.R. Martin and Game of Thrones. The creator of Plotist, a novelist and software developer, designed the application with the original idea of having somewhere to store his notes so that he could easily search through them…and now that goal has expanded to other writers, as well as fans.

One storyline that has always intrigued us is the one that overshadows the entire series – namely, the abduction of Lyanna Stark and its immediate aftermath. It’s a period full of fascinating and romantic characters that have been frustratingly just out of reach to readers of the series ever since – tragic, legendary Prince Rhaegar, beautiful, wild Lyanna and the fury-filled Brandon. It is also a very confusing period, and seemed perfect to test as a Plotist timeline given that all the main players are constantly storming in and out of each other’s paths.

The map is very detailed, and while there are currently only six characters listed, hopefully more will be added in the future. For now, you can see where Brandon, Ned, and Lyanna Stark were shortly before and all the way through to the end of Robert’s Rebellion. Of course, Robert Baratheon and Rhaegar Targaryen are also on here. Jaime Lannister rounds out the cast.

It’s neat to see that while Rhaegar Targaryen was marching toward the Trident, the man who would become arguably the greatest sword in Westeros, Jaime Lannister, was stuck in King’s Landing guarding King Aerys. Had Aerys not been so jealous and paranoid of Lord Tywin Lannister, he may have allowed Jaime to travel with Rhaegar to the Trident, and we might have had a different outcome.

With Game of Thrones Season 6 promising a scene at the Tower of Joy, we may get a glimpse of what went on there during this time. Click here to head to the interactive version of the timeline.

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