Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Song of Ice and Fire Theory Poll Results: The Conclusion

Jon Snow

Welcome back to the 2015 A Song of Ice and Fire 5-site Theory Poll! Part 1’s results came out last week, and we now conclude the 2015 poll with part 2’s results, concerning plot points, ASOIAF history, and the future.

As before, my original intent was to create images for each question. However, I decided to only sample some of the more interesting or popular questions with the highest variance or congruence in answers.

This time though, instead of going for 5 theories that show some of the more popular (or unpopular) theories or theories that display greater variance among the 5 fan-communities, I went for 9 theories that I found particularly fascinating.

Theories contain information from the books, so Unsullied beware!

Overall Data

For part 2 of the poll, I had roughly half the responses I had for part 1. Most likely, this is the result of poll fatigue (something that falls on me). However, the responses I did receive were really fascinating!

Overall, for part 2, I had 4,819 responses to the poll split across 5 fan communities to the tune of:

Complete Results

Sample Theories

Here are some of the most fascinating results I found when collating results.

  1. Is Jojen Paste real? Jojen Paste is the theory that Bran Stark ate Jojen Reed in his last chapter in ADWD in order to gain magical greensight powers. This question found sharp divides among fan communities with /r/asoiaf having the highest “yes” votes and having the lowest.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Yes: 1396 (59%
    • No: 712 (30.1%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 258 (10.9%)
    • Yes: 37 (37.4%)
    • No: 50 (50.5%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 12 (12.1%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Yes: 133 (41.8%)
    • No: 153 (48.1%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 32 (10.1%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Yes: 754 (43.2%)
    • No: 798 (45.7%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 195 (11.2%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Yes: 102 (49.5%)
    • No: 80 (38.8%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 24 (11.7%)
  1. Who wrote the Pink Letter? The author of the Pink Letter remains hotly contested both internally and across the spectrum. Replies tended to divide between Mance Rayder and Ramsay Bolton.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Mance Rayder: 940 (39.9%)
    • Ramsay Bolton: 586 (24.9%)
    • Stannis Baratheon: 228 (9.7%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 256 (10.9%)
    • Lady Barbrey Dustin: 118 (5%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 54 (2.3%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 52 (2.2%)
    • Roose Bolton: 44 (1.9%)
    • Alliser Thorne: 17 (0.7%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 16 (0.7%)
    • Bowen Marsh: 9 (0.4%)
    • Mors or Hother Umber: 8 (0.3%)
    • Harrion Karstark 3 (0.1%)
    • Other: 22 (0.9%)
    • Ramsay Bolton: 37 (37.4%)
    • Mance Rayder: 23 (23.2%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 14 (14.1%)
    • Stannis Baratheon: 7 (7.1%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 7 (7.1%)
    • Lady Barbrey Dustin: 3 (3%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 2 (2%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 2 (2%)
    • Roose Bolton: 1 (1%)
    • Alliser Thorne : 1 (1%)
    • Harrion Karstark: 1 (1%)
    • Bowen Marsh: 0 (0%)
    • Mors or Hother Umber: 0 (0%)
    • Other: 1 (1%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Ramsay Bolton: 149 (47.9%)
    • Mance Rayder : 58 (18.6%)
    • Stannis Baratheon: 38 (12.2%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 30 (9.6%)
    • Roose Bolton 10 (3.2%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 9 (2.9%)
    • Lady Barbrey Dustin: 4 (1.3%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 4 (1.3%)
    • Mors or Hother Umber: 3 (1%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 2 (0.6%)
    • Alliser Thorne: 2 (0.6%)
    • Bowen Marsh: 1 (0.3%)
    • Harrion Karstark: 1 (0.3%)
    • Other 0 (0%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Ramsay Bolton: 910 (52.4%)
    • Mance Rayder: 366 (21.1%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 144 (8.3%)
    • Stannis Baratheon: 129 (7.4%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 45 (2.6%)
    • Alliser Thorne: 34 (2%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 32 (1.8%)
    • Roose Bolton: 25 (1.4%)
    • Lady Barbrey Dustin: 16 (0.9%)
    • Bowen Marsh: 9 (0.5%)
    • Mors or Hother Umber: 4 (0.2%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 4 (0.2%)
    • Harrion Karstark: 4 (0.2%)
    • Other: 13 (0.7%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Ramsay Bolton: 81 (39.5%)
    • Mance Rayder: 61 (29.8%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion 16 (7.8%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 10 (4.9%)
    • Stannis Baratheon: 9 (4.4%)
    • Roose Bolton: 6 (2.9%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 4 (2%)
    • Lady Barbrey Dustin: 4 (2%)
    • Alliser Thorne: 3 (1.5%)
    • Bowen Marsh: 3 (1.5%)
    • Mors or Hother Umber: 2 (1%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 1 (0.5%)
    • Harrion Karstark: 1 (0.5%)
    • Other 4 2%
  1. Was Ser Duncan the Tall knighted by Ser Arlan of Pennytree?Many people call this theory the R+L=J of Dunk and Egg. It’s the most popular fan theory among people who have read the novellas. Most people do not think Dunk was knight by Ser Arlan of Pennytree, though seemingly, many have yet to read Dunk and Egg as well.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Yes: 390 17.4%
    • No: 1036 (46.2%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 818 (36.5%)
    • Yes: 19 (19.6%)
    • No: 55 (56.7%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 23 (23.7%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Yes: 61 (19.6%)
    • No: 196 (62.8%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 55 (17.6%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Yes: 431 (26%)
    • No: 553 (33.4%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 672 (40.6%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Yes: 65 (33%)
    • No: 79 40.1%
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 53 (26.9%)
  1. Where is the house with the red door located? Earlier this year, GRRM hinted that there was something more at work the Red Door than was previously known. Still, a plurality/majority of all fans believe that the Red Door is located in Braavos.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Braavos: 697 (30.6%)
    • Dorne: 685 (30%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 351 (15.4%)
    • Oldtown: 235 (10.3%)
    • Tyrosh: 91 (4%)
    • Lys: 68 (3%)
    • The Red Keep: 67 (2.9%)
    • Volantis: 51 (2.2%)
    • Other: 36 (1.6%)
    • Braavos: 50 (50.5%)
    • Dorne: 25 (25.3%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion 10 10.1%
    • Oldtown: 3 (3%)
    • Tyrosh: 2 (2%)
    • Lys: 3 (3%)
    • The Red Keep: 2 (2%)
    • Volantis: 2 (2%)
    • Other: 2 (2%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Braavos: 182 (58.7%)
    • Dorne: 41 (13.2%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 41 (13.2%)
    • Oldtown: 16 (5.2%)
    • The Red Keep: 12 (3.9%)
    • Lys: 7 (2.3%)
    • Volantis: 5 (1.6%)
    • Tyrosh: 3 (1%)
    • Other: 3 (1%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Braavos: 696 (41.6%)
    • Dorne: 392 (23.4%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 242 (14.5%)
    • The Red Keep: 99 (5.9%)
    • Oldtown: 89 (5.3%)
    • Lys: 53 (3.2%)
    • Volantis: 51 (3%)
    • Tyrosh: 28 (1.7%)
    • Other 23 1.4%
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Braavos: 95 (49.5%)
    • Dorne: 40 (20.8%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 25 (13%)
    • Volantis: 11 (5.7%)
    • The Red Keep: 9 (4.7%)
    • Oldtown: 5 (2.6%)
    • Tyrosh: 4 (2.1%)
    • Lys: 3 (1.6%)
    • Other: 0 (0%)
  1. Is the Ashford Theory true? The Ashford Theory has it that Sansa’s suitors will mirror Lady Ashford’s suitors from The Hedge Knight. It was /r/asoiaf‘s choice for best new theory in 2014. However, most are unsure of whether this will pan out.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Yes: 637 (27.8%)
    • Partially: 527 (23%)
    • No : 611 (26.7%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 514 (22.5%)
    • Yes: 18 (18.2%)
    • Partially: 18 (18.2%)
    • No: 41 (41.4%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 22 (22.2%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Yes : 43 (13.9%)
    • Partially: 63 (20.4%)
    • No: 157 (50.8%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 46 (14.9%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Yes: 221 (13.2%)
    • Partially: 340 (20.2%)
    • No: 714 (42.5%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion 405 (24.1%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Yes: 75 (38.1%)
    • Partially: 47 (23.9%)
    • No: 47 (23.9%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 28 (14.2%)
  1. What will happen to Jon Snow? Jon Snow’s fate after his stabbing at the end of ADWD is GRRM’s most significant cliffhanger from the book. Jon’s fate remains one of the most talked-about plot-points for TWOW and beyond. Most think Jon will inhabit Ghost’s body and will be resurrect by Meliandre.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Jon’s ghost warged into his direwolf Ghost when he was stabbed; he will be resurrected by Melisandre: 1964 (84.1%)
    • Jon Snow is not dead, only badly wounded.: 144 (6.2%)
    • Jon will be resurrected by the Others and will become the new Night’s King: 101 (4.3%)
    • Jon Snow is dead and will stay dead: 37 (1.6%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 25 (1.1%)
    • Other: 63 (2.7%)
    • Jon’s ghost warged into his direwolf Ghost when he was stabbed; he will be resurrected by Melisandre: 66 (67.3%)
    • Jon Snow is not dead, only badly wounded.: 16 (16.3%)
    • Jon will be resurrected by the Others and will become the new Night’s King: 5 (5.1%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 2 (2%)
    • Jon Snow is dead and will stay dead: 0 (0%)
    • Other 9 (9.2%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Jon’s ghost warged into his direwolf Ghost when he was stabbed; he will be resurrected by Melisandre: 254 (81.2%)
    • Jon Snow is not dead, only badly wounded.: 34 (10.9%)
    • Jon will be resurrected by the Others and will become the new Night’s King: 10 (3.2%)
    • Jon Snow is dead and will stay dead: 5 (1.6%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 6 (1.9%)
    • Other: 4 (1.3%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Jon’s ghost warged into his direwolf Ghost when he was stabbed; he will be resurrected by Melisandre: 1515 (87.2%)
    • Jon Snow is not dead, only badly wounded.: 83 (4.8%)
    • Jon Snow is dead and will stay dead: 9 (0.5%)
    • Jon will be resurrected by the Others and will become the new Night’s King: 44 (2.5%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 23 (1.3%)
    • Other: 63 (3.6%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Jon’s ghost warged into his direwolf Ghost when he was stabbed; he will be resurrected by Melisandre: 145 (72.5%)
    • Jon Snow is not dead, only badly wounded.: 30 (15%)
    • Jon will be resurrected by the Others and will become the new Night’s King: 11 (5.5%)
    • Jon Snow is dead and will stay dead: 5 (2.5%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 3 (1.5%)
    • Other: 6 (3%)
  1. Which of the following still-alive POV characters by the end of ADWD will be alive at the end of the series? (Voters were allowed multiple checks) Bran and Samwell look to survive according to fans. Jon Connington and Cersei, not so much.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Bran Stark: 2029 (88.3%)
    • Samwell Tarly: 1862 (81%)
    • Sansa Stark: 1759 (76.5%)
    • Tyrion Lannister: 1551 (67.5%)
    • Jon Snow: 1439 (62.6%)
    • Arya Stark: 1357 (59.1%)
    • Brienne of Tarth: 1275 (55.5%)
    • Davos Seaworth: 1273 (55.4%)
    • Daenerys Targaryen: 1076 (46.8%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 1045 (45.5%)
    • Jaime Lannister: 685 (29.8%)
    • Arianne Martell: 678 (29.5%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 621 (27%)
    • Areo Hotah: 487 (21.2%)
    • Aeron Greyjoy: 350 (15.2%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 316 (13.8%)
    • Victarion Greyjoy: 110 (4.8%)
    • Barristan Selmy: 102 (4.4%)
    • Jon Connington: 52 (2.3%)
    • Cersei Lannister: 51 (2.2%)
    • Other: 30 (1.3%)
  • org
    • Bran Stark: 87 (87.9%)
    • Samwell Tarly : 85 (85.9%)
    • Sansa Stark: 84 (84.8%)
    • Brienne of Tarth: 63 (63.6%)
    • Tyrion Lannister: 61 (61.6%)
    • Arya Stark: 60 (60.6%)
    • Davos Seaworth: 59 (59.6%)
    • Jon Snow: 58 (58.6%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 54 (54.5%)
    • Daenerys Targaryen: 36 (36.4%)
    • Arianne Martell: 36 (36.4%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 29 (29.3%)
    • Jaime Lannister: 29 (29.3%)
    • Aeron Greyjoy: 15 (15.2%)
    • Areo Hotah: 14 (14.1%)
    • Barristan Selmy: 12 (12.1%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 8 (8.1%)
    • Victarion Greyjoy: 5 (5.1%)
    • Jon Connington: 3 (3%)
    • Cersei Lannister: 2 (2%)
    • Other: 1 (1%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Bran Stark: 263 (86.2%)
    • Samwell Tarly: 259 (84.9%)
    • Sansa Stark: 245 (80.3%)
    • Arya Stark: 209 (68.5%)
    • Tyrion Lannister: 206 (67.5%)
    • Brienne of Tarth: 183 (60%)
    • Davos Seaworth: 182 (59.7%)
    • Jon Snow: 175 (57.4%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 166 (54.4%)
    • Daenerys Targaryen: 140 (45.9%)
    • Arianne Martell: 107 (35.1%)
    • Jaime Lannister: 63 (20.7%)
    • Areo Hotah: 59 (19.3%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 46 (15.1%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 43 (14.1%)
    • Aeron Greyjoy: 35 (11.5%)
    • Barristan Selmy: 11 (3.6%)
    • Cersei Lannister: 8 (2.6%)
    • Victarion Greyjoy: 9 (3%)
    • Jon Connington: 5 (1.6%)
    • Other: 2 (0.7%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Bran Stark: 1505 (87.3%)
    • Samwell Tarly: 1421 (82.4%)
    • Tyrion Lannister: 1344 (78%)
    • Sansa Stark: 1345 (78%)
    • Jon Snow: 1180 (68.4%)
    • Arya Stark: 1033 (59.9%)
    • Brienne of Tarth: 954 (55.3%)
    • Daenerys Targaryen: 894 (51.9%)
    • Davos Seaworth: 828 (48%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 762 (44.2%)
    • Arianne Martell: 457 (26.5%)
    • Jaime Lannister: 441 (25.6%)
    • Areo Hotah: 339 (19.7%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 301 (17.5%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 218 (12.6%)
    • Aeron Greyjoy: 191 (11.1%)
    • Victarion Greyjoy: 65 (3.8%)
    • Barristan Selmy: 51 (3%)
    • Cersei Lannister: 38 (2.2%)
    • Jon Connington: 28 (1.6%)
    • Other: 27 (1.6%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Bran Stark: 170 (85%)
    • Tyrion Lannister: 149 (74.5%)
    • Samwell Tarly : 147 (73.5%)
    • Sansa Stark: 147 (73.5%)
    • Jon Snow: 140 (70%)
    • Arya Stark: 115 (57.5%)
    • Brienne of Tarth: 102 (51%)
    • Asha Greyjoy: 101 (50.5%)
    • Daenerys Targaryen: 96 (48%)
    • Davos Seaworth: 92 (46%)
    • Arianne Martell: 78 (39%)
    • Jaime Lannister: 66 (33%)
    • Melisandre of Asshai: 41 (20.5%)
    • Areo Hotah: 40 (20%)
    • Theon Greyjoy: 39 (19.5%)
    • Aeron Greyjoy: 28 (14%)
    • Barristan Selmy: 27 (13.5%)
    • Victarion Greyjoy: 12 (6%)
    • Jon Connington: 11 (5.5%)
    • Cersei Lannister: 9 (4.5%)
    • Other: 1 (0.5%)
  1. Who will face Ser Robert Strong in Cersei’s Trial by Battle?Pluralities believe that hype will be had.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Sandor Clegane: 919 (39.7%)
    • There will be a Trial by Seven: 471 (20.4%)
    • Lancel Lannister: 422 (18.2%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 265 (11.5%)
    • Garlan Tyrell: 82 (3.5%)
    • Theoden Wells: 30 (1.3%)
    • Bonifer Hasty: 42 (1.8%)
    • Cersei will not have a Trial by Battle; instead, she’ll change her mind and opt to be tried by the Faith: 24 (1%)
    • Other: 59 (2.5%)
    • Sandor Clegane: 34 (34.3%)
    • Lancel Lannister 20 20.2%
    • There will be a Trial by Seven 18 18.2%
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion 16 16.2%
    • Theoden Wells 4 4%
    • Bonifer Hasty 4 4%
    • Garlan Tyrell 2 2%
    • Cersei will not have a Trial by Battle; instead, she’ll change her mind and opt to be tried by the Faith 0 0%
    • Other 1 1%
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Sandor Clegane: 115 (37.5%)
    • Lancel Lannister: 75 (24.4%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 42 (13.7%)
    • There will be a Trial by Seven: 36 (11.7%)
    • Garlan Tyrell: 12 (3.9%)
    • Theoden Wells: 9 (2.9%)
    • Bonifer Hasty: 8 (2.6%)
    • Cersei will not have a Trial by Battle; instead, she’ll change her mind and opt to be tried by the Faith: 4 (1.3%)
    • Other: 6 (2%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Sandor Clegane: 975 (56.4%)
    • Lancel Lannister: 274 (15.9%)
    • There will be a Trial by Seven: 193 (11.2%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 182 (10.5%)
    • Garlan Tyrell: 34 (2%)
    • Cersei will not have a Trial by Battle; instead, she’ll change her mind and opt to be tried by the Faith: 28 (1.6%)
    • Bonifer Hasty: 12 (0.7%)
    • Theoden Wells: 11 (0.6%)
    • Other: 19 (1.1%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Sandor Clegane: 82 (40.8%)
    • Lancel Lannister: 53 (26.4%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 26 (12.9%)
    • There will be a Trial by Seven: 24 (11.9%)
    • Theoden Wells: 4 (2%)
    • Garlan Tyrell: 4 (2%)
    • Bonifer Hasty: 3 (1.5%)
    • Cersei will not have a Trial by Battle; instead, she’ll change her mind and opt to be tried by the Faith: 3 (1.5%)
    • Other: 2 (1%)
  1. What is Stannis’ final fate in the books? This is my favorite result from all the questions posed. Stannis’ fate was hotly contested before events from Game of Thrones, Season 5. However, events from the end of S05 shifted opinion substantially across fandoms.
  • /r/asoiaf
    • Killed in the Battle for Winterfell: 732 (31.5%)
    • Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch: 537 (23.1%)
    • Killed by the Others: 394 (17%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 278 (12%)
    • The New Night’s King: 157 (6.8%)
    • Suicide: 85 (3.7%)
    • The Ultimate (as in final) King of Westeros: 62 (2.7%)
    • Other 76 3.3%
    • Killed by the Others: 28 (28.9%)
    • Killed in the Battle for Winterfell: 26 (26.8%)
    • Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch: 16 (16.5%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 11 (11.3%)
    • The New Night’s King: 5 (5.2%)
    • Suicide: 3 (3.1%)
    • The Ultimate (as in final) King of Westeros: 2 (2.1%)
    • Other: 6 (6.2%)
  • Tower of the Hand
    • Killed in the Battle for Winterfell: 97 (31.3%)
    • Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch: 85 (27.4%)
    • Killed by the Others: 65 (21%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 24 (7.7%)
    • Suicide: 10 (3.2%)
    • The New Night’s King: 10 (3.2%)
    • The Ultimate (as in final) King of Westeros: 9 (2.9%)
    • Other: 10 (3.2%)
  • Watchers on the Wall
    • Killed in the Battle for Winterfell: 1059 (61.2%)
    • Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch: 198 (11.5%)
    • Killed by the Others: 172 (9.9%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 130 (7.5%)
    • The New Night’s King: 63 (3.6%)
    • Suicide: 47 (2.7%)
    • The Ultimate (as in final) King of Westeros: 27 (1.6%)
    • Other: 33 (1.9%)
  • ASOIAF Facebook
    • Killed in the Battle for Winterfell: 61 (30.3%)
    • Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch: 40 (19.9%)
    • Killed by the Others: 30 (14.9%)
    • Don’t Know/No Opinion: 30 (14.9%)
    • The New Night’s King: 18 (9%)
    • The Ultimate (as in final) King of Westeros: 11 (5.5%)
    • Suicide: 2 (1%)
    • Other: 9 (4.5%)

Shits and Giggles: The ‘Other’ Answers

These are some of the answers that made me laugh or made me go “huh.” Enjoy!

Who wrote the Pink Letter?

  • /r/asoiaf: Hot Pie, Read too many theories about this one, don’t know what to think anymore
  • Watchers on the Wall: Bloodraven, Jon Snow, Littlefinger, Tormond Giantsbane
  • ASOIAF Facebook: Abel

Where is the house with the red door located

  • /r/asoiaf: Future (bfish note: no idea what this means), does not exist, Not Bravoos, Seriously, this one needs to die, Tyrions POV as she gave birth to him
  • false memory
  • Watchers on the Wall: Asshai – it’s a memory from her past life as Amethyst Empress, probably Braavos. I am not sure it is important. She has been brainwashed by her brother and various boot-lickers and hanger-ons. All she remembers seems to be skewed

What will happen to Jon Snow?

  • /r/asoiaf: Catelynn ress no pov 100% crazy, They did the thing where someone else was jon snow, like what happened with the lord of bones, tis but a scratch – will warg into Ghost, Melisandre will try to resurect him but it won’t work. beyond that, shrug
  • Not dead,wounded will get up in berserker mode
  • Tower of the Hand: Resurrected by wildlings
  • Watchers on the Wall: Full-on tinfoil: the wizard Samwell Tarly glass candle’s a miracle out of his arse. I hope GRRM has a better way out of the corner he painted himself into than the above four options, Wun Wun was stabbed, not Jon

Who will face Ser Robert Strong in Cersei’s Trial by Battle?

  • /r/asoiaf: #THEBOWLISREAL, Arthur Dayne, CLEGANE BOWL GET HYPE, High Sparrow, GET HYPE (bfish note: about 30 variations of this answer)
  • Tower of the Hand: A Golden Man and a Snarling Dog (Jamie & Sandor) per Bran’s very first green dream in aGoT, Dornish, Lady Tyene Sand
  • Watchers on the Wall: The show creaters have confirmed it will be the brother assumed to be the hound (bfish note: They have?)
  • ASOIAF Facebook: Euron takes KL before any trial starts

What is Stannis’ final fate in the books?

  • /r/asoiaf: Assassinated by another contender for the throne (poetic justice for King Renly!), Dead fo sho, but not by any of these means, Killed by Brienne of fucking Tarth
  • Died in the cold on the way to Braavos, stannis is a dolt, don’t really care
  • Tower of the Hand: An unfortunae meaningless death. His destiny is to meet a tragic end
  • Watcher on the Wall: killed by Davos as an act of kindness, Valar morghulis
  • ASOIAF Facebook: He will die under suspicious curcomstaces…

In conclusion, THANK YOU! This was so much fun to participate and organize. Thanks to every one of you for voting, and arguing in the comments section. I’ll be back next year to find out your opinions on the theories of A Song of Ice and Fire. See you all in 2017!


BryndenBFish is the creator of the Wars and Politics of Ice and Fire Blog a blog and podcast dedicated to political and military analysis of A Song of Ice and Fire. He can be found at twitter as @BryndenBFish.

The post A Song of Ice and Fire Theory Poll Results: The Conclusion appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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