Friday, January 8, 2016

HBO In Negotiations for both Season 7 AND Game of Thrones Season 8

The TCA panels last night for HBO didn’t include any in depth news for Game of Thrones Season 6. Unsurprising, considering that the network and the show are in the precarious position of having a huge cliff hanger that they are currently trying to pretend hasn’t already been spoiled. Other than the press release confirming what we already could figure out from simple math–Game of Thrones returns Sunday April 24th, after the run of the new series Vinyl concludes, nothing was said about it on record.

But once the panels ended and the HBO sponsored after party began, president Michael Lombardo found himself holding court with reporters over the network’s most popular show. The big news? That the network is currently “deep in talks” with Benioff and Weiss on not just a full Season 7 but also a full Game of Thrones Season 8.

Ramsay S6 HBO

Game of Thrones Marching Towards Season 8

At the last round of TCAs at the end of the summer, Lombardo made huge news when he said that Game of Thrones would have an eighth season. But after many popular shows have stretched to an “eighth” season by splitting the final seventh season in twain (think Mad Men, or Breaking Bad), many wondered if the “eighth” season would really be that. Or if there was a full seventh season, if the “eighth” season would only be a partial  one, with four or five episodes very special episodes to bring the series to a close with a bang. But Lombardo’s statement made it clear: The show is not expected to do a partial season or split the final season into two parts. These will be full seasons. And just to tantalize us further, Lombardo would not confirm the Game of Thrones Season 8 will be the last one either.

That’s not only big news for viewers, that’s big news for the cast, who are currently only contracted through the end of a seventh season. Those who survive to an eighth season will probably be able to negotiate pretty sweet deals.



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