Monday, January 4, 2016

Monday Morning Humor: Hitler Freaks Out Over Winds of Winter Delay

With the delay of The Winds of Winter the only major story of the week, until HBO and the Game of Thrones production get on that and start dropping more promotions for Season 6, it was inevitable that the memes would begin. And there is no more popular meme when something terrible happens than to go that famous clip from 2004’s Downfall, and re-caption Hitler all over again so that this time he’s melting down over whatever it is you need him to.

To be fair, this is one of the better versions I’ve seen. And I’ve seen Hitler freak out over a whole lot of things since the Downfall parody trend started in 2008. It helps that whoever made this has been paying attention in the Game of Thrones off season to the Season 6 filming news and rumors.

Meanwhile, in sad-but-funny, FOX NFL Sports Sunday should either hire someone who actually watches the show, or not bother. Really.

Over on the BBC, they’re currently running a six part series on the famous novel War and Peace. Despite the huge cast, it still managed not to cast anyone who was involved with Game of Thrones, and yet won int he ratings anyway. But fans noted that the promotions, which focused on what a huge novel the 1869 novel was, should maybe consider that what was considered long in 1869 would be considered a drop in the bucket by today’s standards.

Note this picture does not even include the first novel of the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Your move, Tolstoy.


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