Monday, March 14, 2016

Alfie Allen Calls Game of Thrones Season 6 “Bloody Brilliant”

Alfie Allen’s character, Theon Greyjoy, aka Reek, hasn’t had the easiest time of it in Westeros. From the time of Greyjoy’s Rebellion in 289 AC, when his father failed to secure independence for the Iron Islands, his life has never gone the way he envisioned it. Forced to become the Starks’ ward in order to secure his father’s loyalty, he grew up seeing the family that loved as raised him as the enemy. He raided his own home in Winterfell on the foolish notion of revenge, pretended to have killed his own surrogate brothers to save face, and then was betrayed by his own men to Ramsay Snow, whereupon he spent an entire season being flayed and tortured and broken into the pathetic creature he is today.

And yet, despite the horror show of Theon’s storyline actually being put on screen in Season 3, Allen doesn’t think those were his worst days of filming. (The books, in a rare act of being more merciful than the TV show, simply left him off the page for an entire novel from the time he was captured until the time he had fully accepted himself as Reek, leaving how Ramsay had broken him down to the imagination.) Speaking to the Australian outlet, he says his worst day of filming for Game of Thrones, hands down, was last season’s wedding night scene with Sansa and Ramsay.

Sansa and Theon at Sansa's wedding--Official HBO

“I don’t really want to talk about it all that much — but the Season 5 scene that was the wedding night between Ramsay and Sansa — was a horrible day to shoot. Sophie Turner is just such a mature, amazing lady that brings life and light on to the set in so many ways but it was a hard day. It really was a horrible day but Sophie really dealt with that issue very, very well.”

Allen is currently down under to promote the Season 5 Bluray/DVD that arrives in stores everywhere tomorrow. That controversial scene was the tipping point for many fans, and the outlet asked if he thought it was overblown–after all, there were some just-as-horrific moments later in the season, like the burning alive of Shireen by her father. Unlike some other actors, he refuses to weigh one as somehow worse than the other.

“To be honest I thought people made more of a furor over the Sansa scene. But how do you compare them — the burning of a child to what happened in that room with Ramsay and Sansa? I guess with that scene, it happens off camera and what you don’t see is always going to be more terrifying when you just leave it to the imagination.”

As for the upcoming Season 6 that everyone is asking about, unlike some one-off actors, Allen knows better than to spill any spoilery details about what’s the come. Even with pictures that tell us he and Sansa survived their leap from Winterfell’s walls, he’s not saying anything about what will be next for the two of them. All he’ll say is the ring in agreement with everyone else in the cast about how good next season is: “It’s going to be bloody brilliant.”


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