Monday, April 11, 2016

18 Things You Might Have Missed From The New "Game Of Thrones" Trailer

HBO just released the second full trailer for Season 6, here are a few things you might not have noticed. Over-analysis is coming.

Sansa is owning her Stark-ness.

Sansa is owning her Stark-ness.

Between Joffrey, Littlefinger, and more recently Ramsay Bolton, Sansa has spent the last five years being forced to forget who she is. This shot suggests these days are well and gone. For starters she's wearing Stark clothes for the first time in a long time, and in letting her hair go back to its natural colour you can tell this is a person who's finally owning her identity.

More exciting than that, though? She has men behind her! She's been on her own for so long, but it would seem the North does indeed remember. With an army behind her, she's not someone you'd want to mess with. Good luck Ramsay.


Walder Frey is back.

Walder Frey is back.

We haven't been back to the Twins since the Red Wedding (which is a good job because it still feels too soon). 💔 But as a voiceover from Sansa exclaims, "It's all I think about, what was taken from me", we cut to Walder Frey and his men looking pretty happy with themselves.

I've got a feeling they're not going to stay happy for long.


Jorah's greyscale is a LOT worse.

Jorah's greyscale is a LOT worse.

He's going to want to get some cream for that.

But in all seriousness this could change what Jorah's character gets up to in the next season. There's no way he'll be taken out by disease – it's better to burn out than to fade away, and all that jazz – so expect an epic moment of self sacrifice.


Ser Davos is certainly on team Stark.

Ser Davos is certainly on team Stark.

Banners give away a lot of detail in this trailer. First up we've got Ser Davos marching under the Stark banner. This isn't altogether surprising, but who convinced him to? Is Sansa leading the line, or is a certain not-very-dead-anymore Lord Commander in control? We're not sure we want to wait two weeks to find out.


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