Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Brand New Game of Thrones Clip Featured on Conan

Conan O’Brien is on a roll. As Late Night’s resident leading Game of Thrones fanboy, he’s now had two guest stars from the show in a row. Last night featured Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) and her tales on Tyrion mask licking. Tonight featured John Bradley (Samwell Tarley.) His interview–like Liam Cunningham’s last week–also came with a very special clip: a brand new scene from Season 6!

When we last saw Sam and Gilly they were heading out of Castle Black and as south as reasonably possible, with Sam having convinced Jon to let him go train as a maester at the Citadel. Not that Sam is all that into becoming a maester, as much as he’s acting on the advice of Maester Aemon to get Sam and the baby as far south as humanly possible before the White Walkers come, and this was the fastest and easiest excuse he could come up with.

Unfortunately for Sam, said journey is a long and arduous one–and requires a sea voyage along the coast of Wersteros to get to Oldtown. As one can imagine, Sam, who does not do well in any new situation, takes to being on a boat as badly as you would expect.

Gilly is just hilarious.

John Bradley was also asked the question everyone has to answer about the season: “Is Jon Snow dead?” Rather than answer himself, Bradley recites some of the theories he’s heard.

For the record, the theory Bradley is on about–that Jon will warg into Ghost–is only supposed to be a temporary way to house his consciousness until his body is resurrected. But taking it to the logicial extreme–that the dog that plays Ghost will play Jon Snow all season–is pretty damn weird when you think about it.

Bradley also has the audience ask themselves: When is comes to spoilers, do you really want to know? Don’t you just want to wait?

And finally, John Bradley talks about the benefits of global fame due to the show. Turns out the answer is donuts.

At least it was Krispy Kreme and not Dunkin Donuts.


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