Monday, April 18, 2016

Give us your final thoughts before Game of Thrones season 6 begins!

Tomorrow, a podcast records it’s final offseason episode, ending a stretch that connects the last breath of GoT’s fifth season with this crescendo into six’s perilous unknown. Tomorrow we’ll explore final thoughts and questions, and we’d like to invite you into the fun.

After the cut you’ll find three questions we’ve asked ourselves, and will be disputing as the show records on Tuesday.

What do you believe?

1. Who will die in Season 6?

Give us your top five unexpected deaths of Season 6.

2. Who will unite or reunite in Season 6?

Which three unions/reunions do you pray and hope for the most?

3. What are your predictions for the first 3 episodes, based only from their titles?

“The Red Woman”, “Home”, and “Oathbreaker”.

That’s it. Let us know what and why in the comments below! Make sure to listen for your thoughts, theories, and input once this episode is released.


The post Give us your final thoughts before Game of Thrones season 6 begins! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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