Monday, April 11, 2016

New Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer!


Hot on the heels of the glut of info and teases from the Game of Thrones red carpet premiere comes this incredible new trailer!

If you’re spoiler-phobic, skip it because it is jam-packed with amazing goodness from season 6. Check it out:

I lost track of the amount of times I screeched and swore while watching this trailer. Tower of Joy. The Stark-ness of it all. The Freys! The White Walkers. Oh my god. Season 6, I am so ready for you.

The post New Game of Thrones Season 6 Trailer! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.



  1. There is a scene in season five episode 8 where samwell tarley is talking to Ollie and tells him to stop worrying about Jon, that he "always comes back".

  2. Looks very much like that dragon was aiming at Tyrion, they've been known to put misleading things in the trailers, such as in the first full trailer it looked like Davos was about to fight those nights watchmen when its since turned out they are working together to defend Jon's body. However if the dragon was blasting fire at Tyrion, this could be the confirmation of the fan theory that Tyrion is actually a Targaryan

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