Friday, April 8, 2016

This Brand New "Game Of Thrones" Scene Tells Us More About Jon Snow And Ser Davos

New footage tells us a little more about what was going on during ~that~ scene in the trailer.

When the trailer for Game of Thrones Season 6 dropped a few weeks ago there was little argument about its most exciting moment.

When the trailer for Game of Thrones Season 6 dropped a few weeks ago there was little argument about its most exciting moment.

After saying this pretty fucking great line Ser Davos drew his sword and the trailer promptly faded to black, making it look like he was about to fight the people who were in the room with him. However, new footage shows that this isn't actually what's happening at all.


In this brand new scene that was exclusive to Conan, we find out that the Onion Knight isn't quite as lonely as we thought.

Conan / TBS / HBO

First up we get this shot of Davos talking to some brothers of the Night's Watch, as a very much alive Ghost stands next to the very much dead body of his owner.

First up we get this shot of Davos talking to some brothers of the Night's Watch, as a very much alive Ghost stands next to the very much dead body of his owner.

After the trailer there were people who thought it looked like Ghost had also been killed, so it's nice to know they were wrong. 🐺

Conan / TBS / HBO

Then we have the whole "apologies for what you're about to see" bit that we saw in the trailer, however this time we see that once everyone has drawn their swords, they all turn their attention to the locked door.

Then we have the whole "apologies for what you're about to see" bit that we saw in the trailer, however this time we see that once everyone has drawn their swords, they all turn their attention to the locked door.

So Ser Davos is actually friends with the people in this room. Phew. That probably wouldn't have gone well if he wasn't. So who's on the other side of that door?

Conan / TBS / HBO

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