Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What episodes are the official Season 6 images from?

Jaime and Cersei Season 6 official

Around two months ago, HBO got the Season 6 hype ball rolling in earnest by releasing 28 high-quality photos from the upcoming season. We weren’t told which episodes each of the pictures were from, although we could probably hazard a guess on some.

Game of Thrones

I would bet my life, and the lives of everyone I know, that this image is from the premiere.

An attentive reader wrote us and pointed out that some of the pictures were labeled in such a way that gave away what episodes they were from. For example, check out the following image:


If you download this picture from HBO’s Making Game of Thrones blog, you’ll see that the image is labeled like this: GOT_MP_092415_EP601-3556. The operative part of that is “EP601.” Episode 601. That would be the season premiere.

There are a couple other photos labeled like that in HBO’s official collection, but most don’t make it so easy. The theory is that HBO renamed most of them so they wouldn’t give away which episodes they’re from. However, some sites posted the photos with the original file names still intact. Assuming those names are accurate, we should be able to figure out which stills come from which episodes.

There’s no guarantee that this theory is correct, but we operated under it underway, and put together a list of which images are from which episode. All three of the images above are purportedly from the premiere, as are these beauties:

Sansa in Season 6 Official

Sansa outside Winterfell Official Season 6

It’s no surprise that the shots of Sansa and Theon in the snow are from the Season 6 premiere. These guys will need to beat a hasty retreat from Winterfell.



Ditto with Daenerys. Also, we know that the clip of her arriving in Vaes Dothrak came from Episode 3. I’m guessing that, in the premiere, she’ll be brought before the khal of the khalasar she ran into at the end of Season 5, be on the march in Episode 2, and arrive in her new home in Episode 3. And then Drogon comes and kills everyone in Episode 4? We’ll see.

Tyrion and Varys 2


Tyrion and Varys

Meanwhile, the dream team of Tyrion and Varys will be trying to run Meereen without her. According to these photos, they will look at things.

Jaime Lannister Season 6

Obviously, if Jaime and Cersei have a fervent discussion in the premiere, as they are in the header pic, Jaime has to be back in town. Here he is arriving with Myrcella’s body in tow.

Septa Unella

The High Sparrow

It also looks like we’ll check in with Margaery and her jailers in the premiere. Poor, poor Margaery.

Arya Blind Game of Thrones Season 6

Arya Blind Season 6 official

And finally, we’ll stop by Braavos to how Arya is getting on without her sight. Apparently, she’s doing poorly.

h/t Setlist


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