Monday, April 11, 2016

Which "Game Of Thrones" Characters Are Most Likely To Die In Season 6?

Warning: Contains one spoiler for anyone who hasn’t read the books, and a LOT of guesswork.

Balon Greyjoy

Balon Greyjoy

One of only two Greyjoy men we've encountered on the show so far, and the only one still in possession of his junk, Balon hasn't made an appearance since the War of the Five Kings (of which he was one) in Season 3. Has he been missed? Not so much. So why kill him off?

Well, as we've already seen in the trailer, next season sees Balon's younger brother Euron return home to Pyke. Euron will (hopefully) be the thing that finally makes the Greyjoys worth caring about, and it's looking likely that his first power move will be to off his brother in order to take control of the Iron Islands.

Unlike the other names on this list, this one has happened in the books. But to be honest the show and books are so far apart these days that nothing is guaranteed.

Likelihood: 9/10 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

How: Murdered by his baby brother Euron.


Theon Greyjoy

Theon Greyjoy

When Theon held Sansa's hand and jumped from the walls of Winterfell you would have been within your rights to let out a tiny "whoop" or maybe a large "about fucking time, you whimpering bellend". But ironically, in going through with this minor act of redemption, Theon may well have made himself surplus to requirements.

As bad as things got for him (and Sansa) last season, we always sort of knew that he wasn't going to be killed off. Not until he had made amends for his betrayal of the Starks, at least. Now that he's helped Sansa escape Ramsay's batshit crazy clutches, maybe the writers will finally feel enough is enough.

It's looking very likely that Theon will return home to Pyke. What happens next is anyone's guess.

Likelihood: 5/10 💀💀💀💀💀

How: Also murdered by Euron after he returns home to the Iron Islands, as technically Theon would have a stronger claim as head of House Greyjoy.


Tommen Baratheon

Tommen Baratheon

It seems like years ago now, but in the very first scene of Season 5 we saw our first Thrones flashback. In it, a young but already forthright Cersei demanded to be told about her future by local fortune-teller Maggy the Frog.

After asking whether she and the king would have children, Cersei was told: "Oh, aye. Six-and-ten for him, and three for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds."

Now, of course, prophecies can be wrong (we're looking at you, Melisandre), but Joffrey and Myrcella's fates suggest this one is a done deal. It's only a matter of time for the boy king, and quite frankly Tommen's time can't come soon enough.

The king is dead. Long live literally anyone else.

Likelihood: 7/10 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

How: Not a clue. Maybe he bores himself to death?


Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister

Assuming Dany, Tyrion, and a soon-to-be resurrected Jon Snow are all safe for at least the next season or two, this doesn't leave us with many original leading cast members to lose. But in the Thrones universe one thing we can be sure of is that death finds a way, and we're approaching the point where Cersei doesn't really have a lot to live for.

Let's assume she loses her third and final child this season – it's not hard to imagine her waging war on the Faith/the public/anyone who looks at her funny, and destroying the city and herself in the process. Cersei's implosion will be quite something, but will it come as soon as Season 6? Possibly not.

Likelihood: 3/10 💀💀💀

How: Now here's an idea...Jaime kills her because she loses her shit and wants to burn the city down. Just as the Mad King Aerys did before Jaime shoved a sword in his back.


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