Sunday, May 15, 2016

Check out Jon’s New Look! (Video)

It’s been five long years since we watched all the members of the Stark Family go their separate ways in the first season of Game of Thrones. Now, finally two of our still living members have found their way back to each other.


Now go sing it like a hummingbird
The greatest anthem ever heard
Here are the spoilers of our time
But we’re dancing with the demons in our minds



GoT ep400002

Are there spoilers in here?

It’s been so many years and so many missed connections when it comes to the Stark family. Arya seemed to keep missing her family members by a thread. Sansa watched her father killed in front of her, and then was all alone in King’s Landing for seasons. Jon Snow never got to see Uncle Benjen when he arrived at the Night’s Watch, his Uncle had already disappeared. And with other either dead–Catelyn, Robb, or isolated, like Arya in Braavos. Or Rickon, only just turned up in the worst place imaginable. And Bran, up North of the Wall, and we don’t know if he’ll ever come back. It seemed like the Starks would never see each other again.

Until tonight. Check out the reaction Jon had when Sansa arrives at Castle Black.

Also, damn, check out Jon Snow’s new look, would you? Holy hell, that’s sexy. He looks like Ned from the first season, with the long segmented tunic and the hair pulled back into a ponytail. I’d say that leaving the Night’s Watch is the best thing Jon Snow has done for himself, both emotionally and satorially. Someone tell Funko I’ll be needed a POP of this ASAP for my collection!

(Kit Harington did after all joke that his new look was so they could come out with a new figurine.)


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