Thursday, May 5, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2, “Home”: GIF Recap

Here we are go again, about to jump down that rabbit hole of fun and insanity that is the Game of Thrones GIF recap. As always, I will be your pilot on this crazy flight, so please keep your arms and legs in at all times. Before we begin, we want to thank the very cool folks at COUB for their amazing and unique HD GIFS. With that being said, please put your trays in the upright position, and lets get this party started, shall we?

We start our perilous journey in the cave of the Three-Eyed Raven, where Bran has found a super-comfortable position on a bed made of bones. I wonder what his sleep number is?

“I dreamed a dream in time gone by, when hope was high and life worth living. I dreamed that love would never die, I dreamed that God would be forgiving. Then I was young and unafraid, and dreams were made and used and wasted.”

“He slept a summer by my side, he filled my days with endless wonder. He took my childhood in his stride, but he was gone when autumn came.”

Apparently a cast member from Broadway’s Cats has found work North of the Wall. Good for her!

Bran has no luck with the ladies, and Meera has no chill…get it? No chill…get it? Cause there’s snow everywhere…I’ll show myself out.

At the Wall, Davos apologized for what we were about to see.

Raise your hand if you were praying to all seven gods that Ghost would charge through the door and rip Olly’s throat out.

“Boom! Here comes the Boom! Ready or not, here comes Wun Wun  from the North. Boom! Here comes the Boom! How you like me now?”

Again, just one step closer, and we’d have had a dead Thorne and Olly. Alas, it was not to be…for now.

In King’s Landing, we learned that you shouldn’t make fun of Queen Cersei, or her brother’s length…

…because Robert Strong will Hulk smash your head into the nearest wall. FATALITY!

Speaking of Frankenmountain, an entire squadron of House Lannister guard are obviously terrified of him. Cersei has an ace in the hole.

Here lies Myrcella, taken too soon.

I would have loved for Jaime to skin that smoke wagon and run the High Sparrow through, ending his reign of terror in King’s Landing.

 Meanwhile, in Meereen, Tyrion uttered the line of the night, and possibly the season.


Tyrion Targaryen, first of his name?

Seriously, if Tyrion isn’t riding a dragon by the end of this serious, we riot!

In Braavos, Arya had to fight blindly…again.

Sexy Jesus stopped Arya No One from her wild flailing…and just when she had all that empty air on the ropes.

Back in the North, we learned what #BoltonFamilyValues are.

Avert your eyes, AVERT YOUR EYES!

Theon’s going “Home.” (See what they did there?)

Speaking of the Iron Islands, Theon’s daddy dearest was still kicking around, until his nuncle showed up and changed things.

What is dead may never…okay, he’s pretty frickin dead, you guys.

At the Wall, Davos echoed Jaime Lannister’s sentiments on the “f**k ’em all” front, and pleaded with Melisandre to raise Jon Snow from the dead.

Melisandre gave Jon a bath, and a shave, and a haircut.

And finally, HE LIVES!

And here’s what Jon Snow was dreaming about before he came back to life. No wonder he looked so distressed.

That’s it for this week, kiddos. Be sure to tune in next week, as we cover everything from Episode 603.


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