Thursday, May 5, 2016

Kit Harington reveals Jon Snow’s post-resurrection state of mind


Once again, Entertainment Weekly speaks with Kit Harington about Jon Snow’s comeback on Game of Thrones, and this latest update bring some major revelations about Jon’s state of mind.

We’re going to tuck all this info below a cut, for spoiler reasons, so consider yourself sufficiently warned!

Harington explains his character’s mindset after the resurrection, and just what Jon experienced after death- or what he didn’t experience, more to the point.

At first, I was worried that he’ll wake up and he’s the same, back to normal — then there’s no point in that death. […] He needs to change. There’s a brilliant line when Melisandre asks: ‘What did you see?’ And he says: ‘Nothing, there was nothing at all.’ That cuts right to our deepest fear, that there’s nothing after death. And that’s the most important line in the whole season for me. Jon’s never been afraid of death, and that’s made him a strong and honorable person. He realizes something about his life now: He has to live it, because that’s all there is. He’s been over the line and there’s nothing there. And that changes him. It literally puts the fear of god into him.

Kit appears in a video discussing the death and return as well:

Harington’s response provides answers and puts an end to some of the debates we’ve been having regarding whether or not Jon was truly gone after his murder. It sounds as though we can write off the warging-Ghost theory altogether- in the TV series, at least!

You can purchase the Kit Harington cover issue of Entertainment Weekly online or on newsstands Friday!

More Stark news: Maisie Williams appeared on a Radio 1 interview this week, discussing the new season, and slipped up a bit. Asked if we’d be hearing from Rickon, the youngest Stark child, this season, she replied, “Yes, we will indeed…Oh no, I’m literally going to get off the air and someone’s going to email me!”

It’s been common knowledge about the spoiler-savvy fanbase that Rickon was returning in season 6, but it’s always good to have official confirmation from the cast. Here’s hoping Maisie didn’t get too many emails about it.

The post Kit Harington reveals Jon Snow’s post-resurrection state of mind appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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