Thursday, June 16, 2016

Game of Thrones GIF Recap: “No One,” Episode 608

Eight episodes down, two to go. With Episode 608, “No One,” Game of Thrones wrapped up Arya’s storyline in Braavos, began the Battle of Meereen, and formed a new Brotherhood Without Banners featuring the Hound. In this week’s GIF recap, we cover those events and more, including the crushed hopes and dreams of CLEGANEBOWL hypers and Lady Stoneheart truthers. As usual, our friends at COUB have provided us with some amazing HD-quality GIFs, complete with sound!

We start our GIF recap with the talented Lady Crane, who seems to have worked in some new lines since last we saw her.

After her scenes were through, Lady Crane took five, only to find that Arya Mercy was bleeding all over her wardrobe.

Apparently, a life of stabbing her boyfriends has prepared Lady Crane for work in the medical field.

We also find out what happened to Bianca, the jealous actress who hired the Faceless Men to kill Lady Crane in the first place…maybe Lady Crane deserved to die, after all?

Back across the Narrow Sea, we learned how to be romantic with a woman. Apparently, it involves the old stinkfinger.

Then the Hound showed up, and the real party began.

 Annnnnd the line of the night: “You’re shit at dying.” Welcome back, Sandor. We’ve missed you.

In Meereen, the economy seems to have bounced back after Tyrion made peace with the Masters.

Varys left Tyrion to go on a secret mission…

…and the two shared a tender bro-moment. Don’t you look back, Varys…don’t you smile at me with those disarming dimples…DAMMIT VARYS!

In King’s Landing, one of the Faith Militant was about to get fitted for a new hat…

…but he ended up not needing it.

Everybody now!

At Riverrun, Brienne and Pod arrived just in time to partake in a siege!

And Brienne imagined what she’d do to Jaime if only they were back in those baths at Harrenhal.

Bronn and Pod were reunited, and Bronn dropped some classic Bronn humor on us.

See? Classic Bronn.

After much discussion in the tent, Jaime agreed to allow Brienne to try and talk the Blackfish out of Riverrun, and then Brienne tried to give Oathkeeper back to Jaime.

And before leaving his tent, Brienne reminded Jaime of her duty and honor.

 Brienne and Pod got inside Riverrun, but the Blackfish was much more cranky and unwilling to work well with others than Brienne expected.

Back in King’s Landing, King Tommen the Blessed made a decree that CLEGANEBOWL trial by combat shall be forbidden.

In Meereen, Tyrion tried to get drunk with Missandei and Grey Worm. It did not go well. (Although it could have gone even worse.)

Missandei tried to tell a joke, but Grey Worm was not impressed.

But then Tyrion told the best joke ever…

…and the Masters attacked from the sea.

The situation looked dire for our heroes, when suddenly, a heroic Dany appeared.

Back at the Siege of Riverrun, Jaime told Edmure about his plans for a baby catapult (patent pending).

Edmure did his best “Trojan Fish” impression, and surrendered the castle to the Lannisters and Freys.

And then he completed the a-hole trifecta by ordering his uncle be captured, clapped in chains, and presented to Jaime Lannister.

Brienne and Pod escaped, but the Blackfish decided to fulfill the last item on his bucket list and die offscreen.

Meanwhile, back at the hanging…

The Hound and Beric haggled for a bit, but in the end, the Hound got a really good deal: two murdering douche-canoes hanged for the price of one.

Beric and Thoros recruited the Hound, setting a Clegane brother on a collision course with the Night King. NIGHTKLEGANEBOWL CONFIRMED.

At least a short retirement from murder and mayhem hasn’t dulled the Hound’s hubris.

And now we come to the finale: the Waif vs No one Arya Stark. It started with the Waif finishing what Arya could not.

Arya, being almost completely and miraculously healed, ran.

And the Waif T-1000 gave chase.


The Waif chased Arya to Arya’s special kill room, and sh*t got real:

Here’s what Game of Thrones didn’t show you after the candle went out:

 God, everything got so cool after that bit. Too bad we didn’t see it.

A face was added to the hall.

And Arya said goodbye to Sexy Jesus.

That’s it for this week. Be sure to tune in next week, when we break down Episode 609, “Battle of the Bastards,” with the magic of GIFs!


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