Friday, June 17, 2016

Game of Thrones season 7 casting has begun!

ravenWe’re headed into the home stretch of Game of Thrones, season 6, with only two episodes left! It seems like just yesterday that we were anxiously awaiting the new season and digging up casting details, and here we are, looking ahead now at season 7.

Our sources have confirmed for us that casting for season 7 is well underway. We’ve managed to get our hands on two casting notices. We’re going to tuck the details below the cut to avoid spoiling anyone!

According to our sources, the show is currently casting two young Northern characters. Their names are unknown, with Game of Thrones being just as careful on their notices as they were last year.

The first is a 16-year-old Northern girl. They’re looking for an actress with a northern accent to take part in what’s being called “a high-stakes scene with leading cast members.” Her physical description isn’t specified, except for her needing to be white.

The second role is for a 10-year-old Northern boy. He appears to be a part of the same “high-stakes” scene as the teenage girl.

So, what do we make of this? The casting notices are fairly vague and leave a lot of room for theorizing. We’re past the books and beyond the Wall, so to speak, into the Land of Always Speculation.

When we see a mention of young Northern characters, it’s hard not to jump right to “more flashbacks!” It’s certainly possible, since the casting people aren’t as persnickety about ages as hardcore fans and book readers are. Lyanna Stark is around 16 when she dies, but people are hoping to see her already in season 6, based on casting spoilers and speculation. (We’ve seen her younger-teen incarnation in Cordelia Hill, but not the older-teen version who gets kidnapped/runs away.) And her younger brother Benjen’s already been cast and isn’t six years younger than her, anyway. So if not her, then who?

They could simply be a pair of Northern siblings or cohorts in the current timeline, playing a role we can’t predict.

Thoughts, speculation? Let the fun begin!

The post Game of Thrones season 7 casting has begun! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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