Friday, June 3, 2016

HBO Wants PornHub to Keep Game of Thrones Off Their Site

It’s a running joke among the fandoms. People want to go to Hogwarts, they want to hop aboard the TARDIS, they even don’t think Panem would be so bad, as long as they’re in the Capitol. But Westeros? No thanks.

And yet, there are people who are really into Game of Thrones. (Really. Into. It.) So much so that HBO has found itself with a problem only a show that caused our culture to coin the word “sexposition” would have.  Every nude scene seems to find itself on PornHub.

Now, we all know Rule 34, and Game of Thrones is far from an exception. I am under the impression there are several parody movies that purport to be set in Westeros. (I assume they call it Westeroxxx. If they don’t, I am highly disappointed in all of them.) But that there are also scenes from the actual show being uploaded? Especially when some of those scenes star actual porn stars who are hoping to use it as their big break out of one industry and into the mainstream? That’s when lines start getting real blurry. And HBO doesn’t like it.

According to the BBC, HBO is taking action, as they would against anyone who uploads the show illegally to any shady part of the internet. In a statement, HBO said: “HBO is aware of the issue and is in the process of getting material taken down from Pornhub.”

Meanwhile, Pornhub insists that it is doing nothing wrong. The BBC quotes their vice president, Corey Price, as claiming they take illegal material down “as soon as it becomes aware of it.”

“Pornhub is fully compliant with the law,” he said. “We respect all copyright requests and once received immediately remove any infringing content, as well as offer content fingerprinting to block infringing content from being uploaded by content owners.”

This is not the first time Price’s site has had to deal with the fall out of their user base being huge Game of Thrones fans. In April, there were reports that their user count dropped noticably during the four hour window of Game of Thrones Season 6 debut.


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