Friday, June 17, 2016

The WiC Scale: Winners and Losers from “No One”

It’s Friday, and you guys, we only have TWO EPISODES TO GO before the season is over! Once again, it’s time for our WiC Scale, the weekly rankings of the rise and fall of characters, without the benefit of Public Policy Polling. I am here to rank our characters and where they fell on this week’s scale.

This week, those who sat out the round, and tread water from their rankings last week include the entirety of the bloody North, and points beyond the Wall, the Idiot Ironborn and the Damn Dornish. Let’s see how everyone else fared.

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner

GoT 608 59 i'm going home

Arya Stark of Winterfell, Bitches: I believe Ozzy sang it best, don’t you?


Beric Dondarrion Official

Beric Dondarrion&The Brotherhood: Beric lives! As does the Brotherhood! And somehow they even know that there’s a cold wind rising in the North, so they’re headed towards where the real enemy is, without pausing for unnecessary zombie Catelyns, or their pointless vengeance side plots.

The High Sparrow: He didn’t even have to show up in the episode to stay winning. His little puppets danced for us in front of the Mountain and then on the Inron Thrones, while he got to have the week off.

Kevan and Co: To paraphrase TayTay, He’s cheer captain, while Cersei’s on the bleachers.

The Mountain: He got to behead a sparrow like a proper alley cat. And he won’t even have to work in the finale now that the Trial By Combat PPV’s been canceled.

Dany&Drogon: I think Dave Byrne sang it best. How about a little fire, Masters?


Tyrion and Varys official

Varys: The good news is he got out of town before the Masters arrived. The bad news is he got out of town before Dany arrived.

Jaime: He had to go back to playing the role of the bad guy, the same one we remember from Season 1. But it worked, and now he’s King of the Castle, and Edmure’s the dirty rascal.

The Hound: The good news was that he got to murder some people in a rather bloody way. The bad was that he didn’t get to murder all of them that way. And then the take out bucket was out of chicken.

Brienne&Pod: The good news is that they got out of there with their lives. The bad news is that look of disappointment on Sansa’s face when they show up without a Tully army. The better news is no one found themselves with their head in a noose having to yell out anything in hopes that Lady Stoneheart will well, have a change of heart.

Bronn: He didn’t even have to fight, but I’m pretty sure he knows he’s still backing the wrong Lannister. And Brienne left before he could proposition her properly. (Oh come on, you know he’d do it in song.)


Cersei and the Mountain Official

Edmure: He saved the lives of just about everyone in that castle (and would have saved the Blackfish too, if the man wasn’t such a damn fool.) So why do they hate him so much? Welcome to Jaimeville, Edmure, population, you.

Cersei: She stays losing. And finally, for the first time, she had to admit that’s what was happening. The bad news for everyone else is that Qyburn may have found something to turn all their fortunes around.

Tyrion and Co: Did you see that look on Dany’s face when she walked in to the Pyramid? Like a mom who came home early from her vacation to discover a kegger underway in her house and a building full of underage drunks. I believe the Fresh Prince sang it best.


The Waif official

The Waif: As dead as the Terminator franchise would be, if Arnold hasn’t screwed the nanny and found himself with Kennedy sized alimony payments.

The Blackfish: I don’t need to have seen his death to know that he made a damn fool of himself. Just insisting on going was enough.

Lady Crane: Her days of making and patching holes have ended.

Lady Stoneheart: Sorry Truthers. Beric’s life means her resurrection never happened. It’s over. The grieving process is hard. Let Freddie Mercury sing us out.


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