Friday, July 15, 2016

Game of Thrones reportedly set to return to Iceland for season 7


Iceland, in season 2

Winter has come to Game of Thrones, and with it, a change of location is needed.

Icelandic news is reporting today that for filming of season 7, the show will be returning to Iceland. According to Vísir, HBO representatives have met with production companies in the country about filming, and the show will be shooting in January.

Furthermore, Vísir shares rumors out of Iceland that refer to “six major characters” from the show being part of these Icelandic scenes. The most likely location in this case is Winterfell, which saw the arrival of winter and heavy snows in the season finale. Jon, Sansa, Littlefinger, Tormund, and Davos are based in Winterfell at the moment, and several others are headed toward the castle as of the season finale and could be counted as the sixth. Bran Stark and Meera are traveling south toward the Wall and Winterfell, as Arya and Brienne are likely going to head north. Not to mention Sandor Clegane is with the Brotherhood without Banners, who also mentioned their intention to ride north.

The most likely sixth is Brienne, but speculation is always fun, right?

Throughout the last several years, Iceland has served a number of purposes for Game of Thrones, lending its icy vistas to create the territory beyond the Wall. The Riverlands of Westeros were largely filmed in Iceland throughout season 4, as well, with Arya and the Hound scenes being shot there on location. With winter’s arrival, though, it’s probable the show is once again taking advantage of the cold beauty of the country and showing a northern location like Winterfell.

The post Game of Thrones reportedly set to return to Iceland for season 7 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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