Monday, September 12, 2016

Watchers on the Wall Awards: All-Around Best Quote of Season 6

Best Quote

What makes a great quote on Game of Thrones? Is it a declaration, a statement of badassery, of the heart? Is it wit or a dance to keep the players spinning around one another? Is it a puzzle (or a long-awaited solution) in words, or an iconic phrase or two straight from George R.R. Martin’s novels? Is it straightforward or open to interpretation?

Well, that’s for you all to decide. Because today, we begin our voting to decide the final winner of the Best All-Around Quote at this year’s Watchers on the Wall Awards. We’ve narrowed down an incredibly lengthy list of preliminary nominees ( round 1 results here) to the top 5, the best of the best in season 6’s quotes.

Your finalists are:

  • Ser Arthur Dayne: “And now it begins.” Ned Stark: “No. Now it ends.” (Watch Here)
  • “A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I’m going home.” – Arya Stark  (Watch Here)
  • “I choose violence.” – Cersei Lannister  (Watch Here)
  • “We know no king but the King in the North, whose name is Stark. I don’t care if he’s a bastard. Ned Stark’s blood runs through his veins.” – Lyanna Mormont (Watch Here)
  • “Hold the door!” – Meera and Hodor (Watch Here)

Make your choice!

Final round rules: Cast your vote for the winner in our Best Quote poll. In the finals, unlike the preliminaries, fans have one vote to cast in each category. At the end of 72 hours (Thursday 9/15/16 at 3PM EDT), the quote with the most votes will be the winner! The results of the poll will be revealed during the live Watchers on the Wall Awards ceremony, which will take place in early October. Specific date to be announced in the near future!

The post Watchers on the Wall Awards: All-Around Best Quote of Season 6 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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