Wednesday, September 7, 2016

WotW Awards Season 6: Best Visual Effects Scene – Preliminary Round

season6 awards

After a long Labor Day weekend, we’re back to the Watchers on the Wall Awards! Today we’ll be finishing our preliminary voting, with a category this morning, and another post later on this afternoon finishing up Round 1 of the awards with our action categories.

Every year, Game of Thrones gives it all, with the finest effects on television creating the show’s vivid world of dragons, giants and White Walkers. Some of the visual effects are more subtle, with backgrounds and added people building up a landscape in such a skilled way that you don’t even realize that you’re seeing computer-generated imagery. The variety of ways you can apply visual effects is never more apparent than when you see the array of nominees in this Best Visual Effects category.

The standard rules: Select up to FIVE nominees from the poll. You can choose fewer if you like, but you cannot choose more than 5.

At the end of 72 hours (Saturday 9/10/16 at 12PM EDT), whichever five choices have the most votes will continue on to the finals. The results of the poll will be revealed when it’s time to choose the winner of Best Visual Effects Scene in a week.

As usual, we’ve taken the initial nominees from your suggestions, and listed them here. Choose your favorite five!

The post WotW Awards Season 6: Best Visual Effects Scene – Preliminary Round appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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