Thursday, October 13, 2016

Game of Thrones Spoiler Report: A Surprising Meeting and New Location Details


There are two major pieces of season 7 information coming down the pipe today: one concerns a new location for this year, and the other, tucked safely below the cut, is a juicy plot spoiler concerning a meeting we’ll see next season.

One of the most intriguing Game of Thrones locations for next season is Italica, the Roman ruins found in Santiponce, Spain. CadenaSer has published new info today courtesy of Spanish officials confirming key dates and more for shooting.

It is now confirmed that Italica will be entirely closed to the public between October 17th and November 12th. During that time, GoT’s production crews will be finalizing preparations and then filming will take place. We can expect anywhere between 400 and 500 technical staff members involved in the behind the scenes work at Italica. It’s believed they’ll be shooting in the Amphitheatre (pictured above), and possibly the Cardo Maximus.

Now, about those spoilers.


As we’ve discussed before, we have reason to believe that Italica will be playing the part of the Dragonpit in season 7. For the non-ASOIAF readers, the Dragonpit is more or less what it sounds like- a ruined, old building near King’s Landing that once housed dragons, for previous generations of Targaryens. We shared a report in August that Daenerys would be appearing at the Dragonpit in season 7.

Today, we received a spoiler update from a reliable source confirming that Daenerys will be at the Dragonpit, and that she’ll be meeting with several familiar characters there. In addition to Dany’s trusted allies such as Missandei, she’ll be meeting with characters from other storylines. And that’s where it gets really good. Our source tells us that Daenerys will have at least one scene where she’s speaking with Davos Seaworth and Brienne of Tarth.

What could that mean for the future of Westeros? Are they hammering out an alliance? We don’t have a context for the meeting yet. But loyal Stark advisers and possible messengers meeting with the Dragon Queen is incredibly promising.

The post Game of Thrones Spoiler Report: A Surprising Meeting and New Location Details appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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