Friday, December 2, 2016

Video: Drone captures Season 7 production activity at icy Wolf Hill Quarry set


For a few weeks now, we’ve known that HBO was erecting a snowy set at Wolf Hill Quarry near Belfast, Northern Ireland. Fansite Watchers on the Wall even captured a few pictures of the place. Have a look see, but beware SPOILERS:

From these shots, it looks like the production build a frozen lake in the area, complete with an island in the middle. Such a lake shows up in a big Season 7 plot leak that came to light some time back. Fans can take from that what they will. Now, YouTuber phantom pilot has uploaded a drone’s-eye view of the set, which has come further along. Have a watch.

It might just be the angle, but the snow seems thicker than it did in the previous shots, especially over the lake area. If, as we assume, this area is standing in for somewhere north of the Wall, snowy conditions may have gone from bad to worse since we last checked in. (For more SPOILERS about what’s going to go down in this location, click here.)

In any case, this set is an active filming location. Note all the vehicles and the people walking hither and thither. As it’s so out in the open, it’ll probably be hard for people to get in close undetected. That’s not a problem for drones, though. Let’s hope HBO doesn’t put that attack eagle plan into action.


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