Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Game of Thrones Wins 5 Visual Effects Society Awards for Battle of the Bastards

Meereen Battle 6x09 (8)

“Battle of the Bastards” has been responsible for most of the accolades received by this season of Game of Thrones: this episode alone won 6 Emmy Awards, including for Outstanding Directing and Outstanding Writing; and just last week Fabian Wagner and Miguel Sapochnik were recognized by the American Society of Cinematographers and the Directors Guild of America, retrospectively, for their work in this episode.

And this great run isn’t over. As we reported last month, the Visual Effects Society (VES) nominated Game of Thrones 11 times in 6 different categories. The HBO show received the most nominations, even more than top contenders like Doctor Strange and The Jungle Book. Now the results are in, and they are as good as they could ever be.

Despite the 11 nominations, Game of Thrones was competing against itself as well as other projects in most of the categories, so it could only ever hope to win 6 awards. And it almost did! The only award the show didn’t get was Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Photoreal Project, which it lost to The Jungle Book.

Otherwise, Game of Thrones swept the categories in which it was nominated: the eponymous battle of the bastards was awarded with Outstanding Compositing in a Photoreal Episode, beating out the city of Meereen in the same episode, the Land of Always Winter in “The Door”, as well as some sailing ships in an episode of Black Sails.

Thankfully, Daenerys Stormborn’s flight on Drogon over a fully realized city of Meereen wasn’t completely outshone by the battle for Winterfell. The amazing scene won not one but two awards: Outstanding Effects Simulations in an Episode, Commercial or Real-Time Project and Outstanding Created Environment in an Episode, Commercial or Real-Time Project. The creature who allowed us to see the whole city wasn’t forgotten either, as Drogon won Outstanding Animated Performance in an Episode or Real-Time Project.

All of that written, did Battle of the Bastards also get the key VES award for a TV show? That would be Outstanding Visual Effects in a Photoreal Episode. The big one. Game of Thrones had some stiff competition in this area: Black Mirror‘s “Playtest”, Stranger Things‘ “Demogorgon”, The Expanse‘s “Salvage” and, of course, Westworld‘s “The Bicameral Mind.” In the end, Battle of the Bastards was victorious yet again!

The winners deserve to be individually congratulated, including VFX producer Steve Kullback and VFX supervisor Joe Bauer, each of whom have won five Emmy Awards. The other winners are Glenn Melenhorst, Matthew Rouleau, Sam Conway, James Kinnings, Michael Holzl, Matt Derksen, Joseph Hoback, Deak Ferrand, Dominic Daigle, François Croteau, Alexandru Banuta, Thomas Hullin, Dominik Kirouac, James Dong, Xavier Fourmond, Dominic Hellier, Morgan Jones, Thijs Noij, and Caleb Thompson.

The post Game of Thrones Wins 5 Visual Effects Society Awards for Battle of the Bastards appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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