Thursday, November 2, 2017

Watchers on the Wall Awards Season 7: Funniest Scene – Preliminary Round

WotW season7-awards

For all its emotional, heartbreaking and gruesome moments, Game of Thrones can be as funny as any comedy on television. That’s why today we’re celebrating the funniest moments of season 7, as chosen by you, the readers! We’ve gathered up dozens of nominees from your suggestions, and it’s time to narrow down the lengthy list to just five. Which five scenes made you laugh the most? It’s time to vote!

The standard rules: Select up to FIVE nominees from the poll. You can choose fewer if you like, but you cannot choose more than 5. (Visit the initial WotW Awards post for a complete explanation of the rules and process.)

At the end of 72 hours (Sunday 11/05/17 at 1PM Eastern Time), whichever five scenes have the most votes will continue on to the finals. The results of the poll will be revealed when it’s time to choose the winner of Funniest Scene in a few weeks.

Thanks to Greatjon of Slumber for tallying up the initial nominee suggestions. Time to vote!

The post Watchers on the Wall Awards Season 7: Funniest Scene – Preliminary Round appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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