Monday, September 9, 2019

The Night’s Cast Episode 28: Summer School at the Citadel, Part 3


At least there were no, um, hands-on aspects to our summer school classes.

Okay, fine — technically, summer is over (and winter is coming!). But The Night’s Cast, the official podcast of Watchers on the Wall, still has one more history class to teach, so settle in for the last time this semester!

This week, Vanessa, Petra and Samantha wrap up their guest teaching slots at the Citadel by covering the basics of the Long Night (in case you need a refresher) and some of the mysterious civilizations of Essos — one or more of which will figure into the still-tentatively-titled prequel in the works, Blood Moon.

The podcast is available on iTunes and SoundCloud, and you can follow us on Twitter as well. Happy listening!

The post The Night’s Cast Episode 28: Summer School at the Citadel, Part 3 appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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