Thursday, May 19, 2016

Esoterica: Fan film about Brandon Stark coming, Game of Thrones Clue, and more

Not long ago, filmmaker Paul Suda debuted his Game of Thrones fan film about the fight at the Tower of Joy (right before the show depicted that fight for itself, so good timing, there). The world of Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire is varied and deep, and there are other people out there with their own projects. Among them are Ciaran McIlhatton and Shane Gibson, both of whom are based in Belfast, the Game of Thrones filming hub. They’re putting together a movie all about Ned Stark’s elder brother Brandon, a character who’d been dead for years before the series started up. The full film has yet to come, but there’s a teaser up:

According to McIllhatton and Gibson (who plays Brandon), the film will focus on a bit of Game of Thrones mythology that’s been mentioned but not thoroughly explored: the episode when Brandon Stark fought Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish for the hand of Catelyn Stark. Should be interesting.

That’s not the only Game of Thrones-themed film in the mix. Here’s a teaser for Fair Game, a documentary about the critical universe surrounding Game of Thrones. Put together by Miodrag Zarković, the film will look at why critical opinions of the show don’t seem to be well-represented in the wider media coverage of it.

One more bit of esoterica for you: HBO has revealed an official version of Game of Thrones Clue, the board game where everybody’s the murderer. The official product description:

High treachery and betrayal are behind the two mysteries to solve in Game of Thrones Clue. Featuring a double-sided game board, players choose to solve the murder mystery in The Red Keep or in Meereen. WHO was responsible for plotting the murder? WHAT weapon was used and WHERE did the crime take place?

As far as board game tie-ins go, Game of Thrones Clue doesn’t fit quite as well as Game of Thrones risk, but it’s like these characters are shy about killing each other, so it works.

h/t SquareEyed.tvIo9


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