Sunday, May 22, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 5 “The Door” Leaks To Piracy Sites

In retrospect, perhaps some obscure dude who made YouTube videos wear he gave a spoilery overview in Spanish that only the most hardcore Game of Thrones nerds would watch (let alone attempt to translate for the English speaking audience) wasn’t the worst thing in the world.

Last week, HBO successfully shut down said YouTube video maker, and what was up until then the biggest leak coming of Game of Thrones Season 6. It looked as if they had won the piracy war once and for all…until last night, when HBO Nordic apparently uploaded and made this Sunday’s episode available hours early. According to a Reddit user, who found it early on “It’s online right now, if you want to go and watch it, but they might remove it soon. Someone probably messed up by putting it there.” Naturally, they then proceed to spoil the episode, so don’t click the link unless you can’t wait 12 more hours.

pirate problems

According to TorrentFreak‘s sources, this was not a deliberate act of piracy, but a total accident–and they confirm, for those who want to believe this a hoax, that the episode out there is legit. That doesn’t matter by this morning, multiple copies of the episode were all over every piracy site, making the episode widely available for those who would like to watch it early.

TorrentFreak notes the irony of the leak of an episode this season coming from an HBO site itself, especially after the channel went to such lengths this season to keep spoilers on lock. “Perhaps the company should take a good look at its internal policies as well.” One gets the feeling they very well might.

A quick scan of the usual suspects actually suggests that HBO has been already around with the takedown notices, and some places have removed them. Others have not. No, don’t ask us which. If you have to ask, it’s probably better for the health of your computer that you don’t try.


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