Friday, May 20, 2016

This "Game Of Thrones" Detail From Season Two Explains Part Of Last Week's Episode

Dothraki never forget a face.

If you saw last week's Game of Thrones, you saw Jorah's master plan to save Daenerys go into action.

If you saw last week's Game of Thrones, you saw Jorah's master plan to save Daenerys go into action.


But that plan crashed and burned pretty quickly when this Dothraki soldier called them out.

But that plan crashed and burned pretty quickly when this Dothraki soldier called them out.


Later, we learn that his name was Aggo, and he was part of Khal Moro's khalasar.

Later, we learn that his name was Aggo, and he was part of Khal Moro's khalasar.


Who cares, right? WELL. As Redditor NANAs_Mic points out, Aggo was the name of one of Dany's men back in Season 2.

Who cares, right? WELL. As Redditor NANAs_Mic points out, Aggo was the name of one of Dany's men back in Season 2.

Back in Season 2, Episode 1, Daenerys sent out three riders when they were wandering the Red Wastes. Rakharo got killed, and Kovarro came back with an invitation to Qarth.


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