Monday, May 2, 2016

Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2: Home


Spoiler note: The discussion in this post is primarily for non-book readers as well as viewers who have NOT been spoiled by leaks (book fans can discuss the show-only here). We ask that all Sullied book-readers refrain from posting spoilers in the comments here, veiled or otherwise. No spoilers, at all! This show is best viewed without knowing all the surprises beforehand or afterwards, so please be respectful of your fellow fans. Thank you! 

Welcome “Home” to the Wall, all thee of Unsulliedness. If you are one of the few that got any sleep last night, then congratulations are in order. Because… damn.

As a whole, it felt as if the entire Game changed last night and not just because of you know what.

Come along with a man, for before last night, we were all stricken with some level of blindness. But the picture has become somewhat clearer even as the water may be muddier than ever.

I’ll start by saying this…

There is no television programming that has ever affected me on this level. Even with no palpable action sequence, this episode literally had me on the edge of the couch while attempting to not spill the essential adult beverage. This episode alone was well worth the cost of an entire month of HBO. Call me a fanboy or whatever. I really don’t give a shit.

Pyke in the opening credits! Let’s go…

Beneath the Tree


After a season devoid of the Traveling Hodors, we catch up with a more mature Bran and a new, better-groomed three-eyed raven in Max von Sydow (the Force Awakens anyone?). Bran and Max are in the middle of a warg session taking place in a flashback featuring young Ned, Benjen, Lyanna, and Wyllis??


The flashback was reminiscent of scenes from the North we had seen before (Jon and Robb training Bran, Jon reminding Olly to keep his shield up, etc.). However, the question on most of our minds after it ended was most likely how Hodor ever stopped saying anything more than “Hodor” and if he could potentially speak again.


The flashback gave the viewer a glimpse of Lyanna Stark. Her emergence as well as her name in past episodes leads us to believe that her significance will become more evident in episodes to come. If you are aware of the theory by some of our Unsullied readers (and considering what happens at the end of this ep.), this was not inserted by accident. The writers could have easily depicted sparring between Ned and Benjen and left it at that. But they didn’t.

It may have also served as another reminder of the significance of Benjen Stark, making us wonder if we will ever learn of his fate.


The Raven reminds Bran that remaining in that state for an extended amount of time will lead to “drowning”, reinforcing what Jojen said to Bran about staying “under” too long. The length of time allowed for warging seems to be a point of interest we need to remember.


Outside, Meera Reed is bored with the whole process. But one of the children explains to Meera that Bran won’t always be stuck under a tree and that he will eventually need her.

Thorne etc

The Wall

Back at Castle Black, time has run out on the Thorne patience meter and he calls out Davos and the rest of the Jon defenders. For a moment, it looked as if we would get to witness Davos swinging Longclaw. But instead, we got Wun Wun swinging a Crow leaving an imprint of Crow skull on a brick.

As a result, the remaining mutineers were led to the cells setting up time at the end for the second coming.

Kings Landing

Important note: if you want to brag about the size of your schlong to your buddies and the acknowledgement it supposedly received from the former queen, make sure she is not protected by the jolly purple giant.

Cersei and Frankenmountain proceed to the Sept for the funeral of Myrcella but are stopped by Tommen’s guards on his orders.


In the Sept, Jaime and Tommen have a heart-to-heart about Tommen’s failures. Jaime urges Tommen to visit his mother. Tommen agrees as the High Sparrow enters. Jaime and the Sparrow converse about the events in KL. But Jaime’s confidence is quickly rattled when he is surrounded by members of the faith militant. It becomes apparent that the Sparrow aims to stand his ground.

Coming soon: UFC 2,184 The Lion vs. the Sparrow: Showdown at the Sept.

TYrion Missandei


Tyrion holds a meeting of the minds with Varys, Grey Worm (sporting a new outfit), Missandei and half of a carafe of wine.

Grey Worm

After the issue of the captive dragons not eating comes up, Tyrion builds up enough liquid courage to enter the dungeon himself in an attempt to release the dragons from their chains. And it works.


It is unclear exactly why the dragons didn’t see the need to chargrill Tyrion, but his knowledge of dragon behavior patterns definitely benefitted him. Maybe he knew they were unlikely to eat him since they wouldn’t eat at all. And if the dragons are as intelligent as he believes, you would have to think that his rapport with him will be positive as they will be able to identify him as the man that released them from their chains.

Arya Jaqen


In a brief scene from underwearless Titan land, Arya once again suffers a Waif bludgeoning while remaining blind. Shortly thereafter, a man appears to make sure that she understands that she is, in fact, no one and leads her back presumably to the House of Black and White.

It seems that Arya’s punishment is nearing its conclusion. I’m sure Maisie’s eyes will appreciate it.

Roose ep 2


Meanwhile in Winter’s Hell, Roose, Ramsay, and a member of the Karstark clan are informed by the maester that Walda has given birth to a baby boy. And all of a sudden, Roose is fucking dead. Karstark is apparently in on the scheme as he appears indifferent. The maester was not.


Ramsay then lures Walda and the baby into the kennel leading Ozzette to promptly cover her eyes. Apparently, Myranda was not very filling.


Ramsay protecting his claim as the heir by killing Roose was not necessarily an unforeseen occurrence. But I sure as hell didn’t think it would come that swiftly. McElhatton had been such a fantastic portrayer of Roose Bolton. And while he was a character that undeniably deserved to die, it is still hard to accept that James Bond Bolton is gone forever.

Snowy Woods

Brienne tells Sansa that she has seen Arya and that she looked good at the time (although she was not dressed like a lady).

Theon asks for a horse and says goodbye to Sansa for fear that Jon will kill him when they get to Castle Black. He then tells Sansa that he is going home. More on this below…


Iron Islands

Wow! A stormy night at Pyke brings with it the return of Yara and Balon Greyjoy, two players that I wasn’t sure we would ever see again.

Yara and her father engage in a dispute about Theon and how trying to hold more ground on the mainland is pointless.


As Balon exits, he is met on a bridge by his brother, a man presumed to be dead and does a notable impression sounding a lot like Theon. The brother states that a new ruler is needed and Balon takes one hell of a dive to meet the Drowned God. Of course, this guy says that he IS the Drowned God, so maybe Balon already knew him and didn’t know it. Or this new guy is nuts.

By the way, I am aware that this new person is Euron Greyjoy, even though I never caught mention of his name during the scene.


Balon’s killer remains a mystery to the rest of the Ironborn, and Yara vows to take revenge. But she is informed that just because Balon died, it does not make her the ruler. This also marks the death of the final named leech from the fire of Stannis and Red Velvet.

Aeron Yara

With Theon heading home, does this set him up to take his fathers place?

And here we go…

Back to the Wall, and Davos finds Mel (necklace attached) sitting by a fire and questioning her religion. Davos asks her for help with Jon inquiring about magic and resurrection.


Since Davos is so good at being Davos, he coerces Velvet into attempting to bring Jon back.

Velvet seems insecure about what she is trying to accomplish, and at first, appears to be unsuccessful. As everyone files out, there is nothing. Even a sleeping Ghost remains unmoved, until…


Long dramatic pause for effect, and you know the rest.


I think we all knew that nothing made sense if he didn’t, but he did. Jon has risen, and now the rumors can die.

Episode 602 Personal Awards

Favorite Quotes:

“I’ve never been much a fighter. Apologies for what you are about to see.” –Davos

“She sees it and I swear to God she licks her lips.” –that drunk guy in every bar in the world bragging about his pecker

“Sigh of relief”- the guard who didn’t have to fight Frankenmountain

“Oh, the Gods won’t mind. They’ve spilled more blood than the rest of us combined.” –Jaime

“We have no names, no family. Every one of us is poor and powerless. And yet together, we can overthrow an empire.”-High Sparrow

“That’s what I do. I drink and I know things.” –Tyrion

“Don’t eat the help.” –Tyrion to the dragons

“Next time I have an idea like that, punch me in the face.” –Tyrion


Favorite Sentimental Moment: Tommen and Cersei,

Ow, That Shit Hurts Award: Wun Wun ties with the Mountain for their head bashing skills.

 Jackass Award: No doubt Ramsay takes it again (for those keeping score at home, he is catching up with Thorne) not only for taking out one of my faves, the Roose, but for eliminating Walda and the baby by way of a kennel. What a piece of shit pie. Bolton banners; the battle in the snow; his day is coming.

Overall Thoughts: I just don’t how it can get more intriguing. Yes, the resurrection of Jon was likely. And the death of Roose was inevitable. But even still, Game of Thrones can leverage what you think you know into something you didn’t see coming.

I suppose none of us knew exactly how Jon would come back, or if Velvet was even capable of making it happen. I always thought it would link back to the Brotherhood and it would be Thoros saving his ass. But the link is there, for if it were not for Mel witnessing the resurrection of Beric, then the remote possibility may have escaped her.

In a sense, it feels as if this episode turned a corner in the entirety of the playbook, and not just because of Jon.

What say you, guys and gals? Lots to discuss. What a freakin’ episode. Bring on next week! And may there always be peace in your realm. –Oz

Find Oz on Twitter.

**SPOILER NOTE: The Management of this fine site would like to remind you that spoilers (book or leak) are not allowed in Unsullied posts. This includes spoilers that may be covered by code or otherwise. Personally, I appreciate feedback from Sullied and Unsullied alike, so long as they do not include any type of hinting or conversation related to the written verse. However, spoiler coded comments do tend to lead to further Sullied conversation and for that reason, we ask that you please refrain from posting any SPOILERY content whatsoever in Unsullied posts. Thank you for the coop. -Oz

The post Unsullied Recap, Game of Thrones Season 6 Episode 2: Home appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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