Friday, May 6, 2016

What Should Happen To Olly On "Game Of Thrones"?

That traitor. Warning: spoilers.

When Game of Thrones began, Joffrey quickly became the most hated character in Westeros. Everyone was waiting for his death, and when it happened, well...

When Game of Thrones began, Joffrey quickly became the most hated character in Westeros. Everyone was waiting for his death, and when it happened, well...


But it wasn't long before a new, even more awful character rose up in his place.

But it wasn't long before a new, even more awful character rose up in his place.

We didn't think it was possible to hate anyone more than Joffrey, until we met Ramsay.


And then. AND THEN. This little fucker came into our lives and took away our faves.

And then. AND THEN. This little fucker came into our lives and took away our faves.

Jon Snow practically adopted him and this goddamn turd literally STABBED HIM IN THE FRONT.


Somehow, despite all the incredibly fucked up shit done by Ramsay (and Joffrey before him), Olly became the most hated character on the show.

Somehow, despite all the incredibly fucked up shit done by Ramsay (and Joffrey before him), Olly became the most hated character on the show.

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