Friday, April 8, 2016

The winner of the Game of Thrones Deluxe Hardcover Sketchbook is…

Sketchbook cover 1

It’s time to announce the winner of our latest giveaway! Courtesy of Insight Editions, we’re giving away a great Game of Thrones product, newly available as of this week. Hundreds of readers have entered the contest, and it’s finally time to reveal who has won the Game of Thrones Deluxe Hardcover Sketchbook!

The winner is…



Congratulations, Lidi! We’ll be in touch about sending you your prize. Get started dreaming of ways to fill up your new sketchbook!

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest and thank you to Insight Editions for providing the prize!

If you didn’t win, you can always swing over to Amazon, and pick up the Game of Thrones Deluxe Hardcover Sketchbook there today!

And of course, there will be more Watchers on the Wall giveaways in the coming weeks to while away the time before the Game of Thrones season 6 premiere on April 24th!

The post The winner of the Game of Thrones Deluxe Hardcover Sketchbook is… appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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