Saturday, July 15, 2017

Azor Ahype Interviews & T-Shirt Giveaway!


Axey here, trundling back into the fold as is my wont when Game of Thrones makes its frenetic return. And life is good! I’m still coming down off the contact high that was Con of Thrones (WHICH WILL ALSO HAPPEN NEXT YEAR Y’ALL – MEET ME DOWN THAR!), and life is back to a semblance of normalcy, which for me consists of daily peeks at Watchers, Twitter, Tumblr, avoiding my family on Facebook, and peddling a book no one wants to publish (The news I said I might have on that front fell through. Womp womp.)

But rejoice! The thing that people REALLY love me for is just around the corner! Twitter posts will be back, every Tuesd—errr, probably Wednesday! And… AZOR AHYPE! is here!

That excitable yet sublime Canadian-American team of Kinetic Kyle and Gentleman George did a favor for yours truly at Con of Thrones. You see, Friendly FaBio (that’s me, for all you oldschool WiCers) was supposed to get interviews of GoT notables whilst down in Nashville. And I… did…. sort of… But not with a camera! (What? What are those? Do they use VHS or Beta?) I had my trusty oldschool tape recorder on hand, but it wasn’t the same. And glancing over at my contemporaries, rolling film like b0sses, I was like, “Yo, sons, let me get on that hype train so I can stea—errrr, borrow your material.”

And weirdly, they were totally happy to do just that. So below you will find a fulm-tonz of Con of Thrones interviews with the likes of David J. Peterson, Miltos Yerolemou, Kate Dickie, and more! (Whilst you pace and stew, waiting for Sunday night to finally arrive!)



All you need to do is comment below in order to qualify, and one lucky winner will be selected at random. (Only open to readers in the U.S. and Canada! Sorry!)

So here are some interviews! Enjoy! If you prefer to auto play all of ’em, go to their Chronological Playlist, press play, and sit back for a bunch of hype-filled interviews! But if you instead want to pick and choose, we’ve embedded ’em below:

And of course there’s more! Subscribe to Azor Ahype if you love these dudes as much as we do! And leave a comment if you want a shirt, nerds! SEASON 7 STARTS TOMORROW!


The post Azor Ahype Interviews & T-Shirt Giveaway! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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