Thursday, December 17, 2015

Gwen Christie May Have Given Away a Minor Spoiler

Press junkets are exhausting work, and with the promotional push for Star Wars now reaching 15 weeks, with the last five full of press junkets, it’s really quite amazing that no one has slipped up and let spoilers fly. But Gwen Christie, who has been hitting the circuit hard these last two weeks, may have finally slipped up just a tiny bit, when it comes to her other project, Game of Thrones.

Christie appeared this morning to the UK show This Morning on ITV. Hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby, though dutifully asking all the proper Star Wars questions, also clearly were dying for *any* information on Christie’s other project, Game of Thrones. Christie, doing her usual avoidance routine, turned their questions once again into a chance to praise the show for taking a chance on her, and putting Brienne on screen at all.

“I’m so grateful to Game of Thrones because I really feel George R.R Martin and David Benioff and Dan Weiss, they’ve helped take an unconventional female character and put her into a mainstream TV show. And the response from the audience has been overwhelming, and it just indicates to me that people want to see those kind of women.”

But when Schofield wouldn’t let it go, Christie told him to stop being naughty. “I’ve just wrapped actually, I finished filming two weeks ago… I think everyone has finished. Yes, they have… Don’t be naughty Phillip.”

Now, technically, that doesn’t sound like a spoiler on the face of it. (If anything it explains why Christie went from zero to overdrive in pushing the new Star Wars film in the last ten days.) But let us add in the things we know, and have a speculation party.


Brienne kills Stannis--Official HBO

What do we know?

Adding these facts together points to one conclusion: Brienne is going to make it all the way to the end of the season next year. How is that a spoiler? Because there are some people who continue to expect Brienne to work her way back on book, find herself confronted with the always expected, but never arriving Lady Stoneheart, only to discover herself and Pod hanging from the nearest tree. I personally would have expected this to happen sometime in midseason. But with Christie admitting she was filming all the way to the end of the season? If that encounter is happening at all, it’s not coming to the very end. Which could even mean that Brienne is going to make it to Season 7.

Now, it’s a minor spoiler, true. But as we know, if Kit Harington had accidentally slipped last year that he was in Season 6, it would have been all over. Sometimes the most minor of details turn out to be the most important.

(H/T The Mirror)

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