Wednesday, March 16, 2016

New Game of Thrones cast interviews, plus read Jon’s death scene from “Mother’s Mercy”


New Game of Thrones cast interviews continue springing up around the net as Season 6 draws nearer and nearer. Today we have Stephen Dillane with French magazine Liberation on his time spent as Stannis, Daniel Portman teases what’s next for Pod and Brienne with IGN, and Ian Beattie discusses Arya’s dark path with Express.

We also have a look at the last pages of the “Mother’s Mercy” script which conveys the entire scene of Jon’s stabbing thanks to Entertainment Weekly and a behind the scenes video of Emilia Clarke in Season 5!

First up, Dillane speaks out on his indifference towards the role of Stannis Baratheon and the Game of Thrones phenomenon as a whole:

I am not regretting having done Game of Thrones, but I have nothing to say about it. I didn’t understand the show nor its success when I was part of it. The experience was very strange, I wasn’t affected by it. In order to like a role, I need to be interested in it, and that wasn’t really the case with Game of Thrones. I was a bit overwelmed by the events.

When asked then why he would take on such a role he paused and stated simply:

Between other things, for the money.

Ironically, and despite his feelings toward the material, these remarks wholly convey that Dillane was the perfect casting choice as Stannis Baratheon.


Head on over to Liberation for the full interview (if vous parlez français, if not, have a translator at the ready!)

Next up, Daniel Portman reminisces about his favorite moments of Season 5, working with Gwendoline Christie and Peter Dinklage and what’s next for the most loyal of squires in Season 6.

There was the horse chase that we had at the beginning of Season 5, which was just very exciting to shoot, and it was nice to do something action-packed. But a scene I think in episode 3 or 4, of where Brienne and Pod are sitting on the side of a mountain, they discuss each other’s past.

He also touches on Pod being misjudged:

I think most of the characters that come into contact with Pod think he’s stupid, but he’s not stupid, as is demonstrated in Season 4 and Season 5. He picks up on things very quickly, and he is a very smart guy. I think his intellect is actually one of his biggest assets. Because if you’re quiet, then people think you’re stupid and no threat to anybody, so he just keeps his head down.

This also extends to the audience which makes for surprising moments like when he saves Tyrion at Blackwater or turns the tables of pleasure at Littlefinger’s Brothel.

He dishes on working with huge personalities such as Christie, Dinklage, and even Jerome Flynn (Bronn):

Working with both actors was so entirely different. I mean, everything I shot with Peter was almost exclusively interior, and everything I’ve shot with Gwendoline was almost exclusively exterior. The stuff with Gwendoline has been a lot more action-packed. I really think both parts of the character’s journey have been hugely enjoyable and a lot of fun in different ways.


Details, Pod…copious details…

You know, when I was working with Peter, we also had Jerome Flynn, who was working with us in that trio, and that was a lot of fun to have those two guys and to be learning from those two guys who are older than me and working with such great actors who are lovely men. Being with Brienne, it’s much more isolated. So it’s been a lovely difference, a nice chance to explore and understand what it’s like to do both those different things.

Since Pod has been mostly following other characters, IGN asked what Portman thought Pod would do if he found himself on his own:

If Pod was to go on a mission by himself, I think his mission would be to track down Tyrion again and to make sure he could keep Tyrion safe. I think if he was given one goal, one mission, I think that would probably be it.

He also adds that he’d love for the two to meet up again:

I would love that, yeah. I think that would be a hugely satisfying moment for the audience. It would be wonderfully satisfying for me as an actor as well, to have that sort of dramatic — tie off a loose end, because as soon as Tyrion sends Podrick away, neither of them are in contact with each other, and you really hope they get the chance to see each other again and that, when it’s all said and done and all the war and horrors and atrocities that happen in Westeros have blown over, that they could maybe sit down and have a glass of wine together and catch up. That would be nice.


My face when I read Portman’s answer

Lastly, the adventures of Brienne and Pod continue in Season 6:

Season 5 was a series of near misses. Brienne is a very strong-minded character, and she has goals and a real drive to do the right thing, and while Podrick is with Brienne, they’re going to continue down that path, trying to fulfill the oath that she made. So I would say that’s where we start in Season 6, essentially in the same place — not geographically, but in the same place as we started in Season 5, where they’re still trying to do what she said she was going to do.

If they’re not geographically in the same place, then where are the two?


Read the rest over at IGN where Portman discusses Pod’s character growth, Sansa Stark, and Westerosi intellect.

Speaking at a recent press event in London to Express, Ian Beattie (Meryn Trant) worries for the fate of Arya Stark after she murders his character:

It made me worry for Arya’s character. I would ask Arya after she killed Ser Meryn: ‘What would your father think?’ Arya’s going down a very dark path. As a fan of Arya Stark, I don’t want her to go down that path. I’m worried for her, I hope she turns back to the light. Make no mistake about it, Arya has killed before and the things that have happened to Arya in her life have been extraordinarily difficult for her, Sansa as well. But when she killed Meryn, she just didn’t just kill him, she tortured him. That was torture and it was vicious and it was cruel and some people might even suggest that it was evil.


A view shared by the Many-Faced God as well as Arya was blinded for her actions. Other fans of Arya (this one included) may still defend her actions saying the young wolf’s savage attack was an act of pure revenge which is a prevalent theme in Game of Thrones. It doesn’t make her actions morally right but arguably, the scene still produced a satisfying result.

Ned may not condone her actions but at least she passed the sentence and swung her own sword (or shucking knife).

Beattie concludes by resolving Trant was indeed a “monster” and “deserved everything he had got.”

If it had been me dealing with Ser Meryn, I would have taken a week to kill him if he touched one of my kids. No quibbles about that but I am worried about Arya and where she may go.

In other Stark and stabbing related news, Entertainment Weekly has the final three pages of the “Mother’s Mercy” script:


The scene proves just as haunting to read as it was to watch. Head on over to EW for the previous two pages!

Lastly, Games Radar has a behind the scenes look at Emilia Clarke’s (Daenerys Targaryen) first scene in Season 5 with director Michael Slovis (The Wars to Come & The House of Black and White).

With the Season 5 Blu-Ray/DVD just released and Season 6 quickly approaching, Game of Thrones season has begun! Stay tuned for more news and enter to win your own copy of Season 5!

What did you think of the interviews? Do you hope Pod and Tyrion meet up again? Can you condone Arya’s actions? Let us know below!

The post New Game of Thrones cast interviews, plus read Jon’s death scene from “Mother’s Mercy” appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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