Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools’ Day meets Game of Thrones, and Sophie Turner has a pronunciation bone to pick

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It’s April Fools’ Day, and while we’re not going to try and put anything over on you, we have collected a couple of the Game of Thrones-themed April Fools-themed packages from around the net. First up, vacation website Get Your Guide has a new attraction up: the VIP Game of Thrones Red Wedding Experience. Here’s what you and your companions will get to do on this once-in-a-lifetime getaway:

  • Lose friends and family after strategically miscalculating the general geopolitical state of affairs in Westeros

  • Break bread with salt but then realize it doesn’t matter what you do when you play the Game

  • Escape with your original sworn enemy and vow revenge. Keep mumbling “the North remembers” until everyone actually forgets

During the 2 days of festivities, you’ll sleep very uncomfortably in stuffy rooms surrounded by enemies and a false sense of security. You’ll fend off Walder Frey’s proposals of marriage for any and all sons you have…At the end of the tour, watch your entire next of kin and hereditary line be brutally wiped out while the band plays on.

The customer reviews are pretty amusing, too. And be sure to click the “Show Availability” Button when you visit Get Your Guide. There’s a little surprise for you.

Next, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (Gregor “The Mountain” Clegane) does an ad for a a combination sparkling water/bodybuilding product: Heavy Bubbles.

That’s…just amazing. I feel like this is one of those fake products that might actually succeed if made.

Finally, Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) aired some grievances last night on Twitter. This might not be an April Fools’ Joke, but then again, it might be. You decide.

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The Evening Standard points out that she amended the spelling for a stateside audience. “Oh my bad…. For Americans though… Sahnsa.”

Okay, then. The tweet appears to been erased. Again, you can decide for yourself if that makes it more or less like an April Fools’ joke. The topic hasn’t gone away, though.

And now, a trip into horrifying April Fools’ Day jokes past.


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