Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Breakdown of the newest Game of Thrones promo!


We love a good Game of Thrones trailer here at Watchers on the Wall. And HBO has obliged us with another juicy teaser this close to the premiere. Though there’s plenty of footage that we’ve already seen in the new teaser, there’s loads of new stuff, so we have more fresh material to pore over and dissect.

Without further ado, let’s get to it!

We open on the same shot of Castle Black at the Wall we’ve seen in the first two trailers. In voiceover, Tyrion warns us, “Whoever you are, wherever you go… someone wants to murder you.”


Jon’s corpse lies on a table.


As usual, the footage was quite dark, so we lightened it in order to take a closer look at the scene. We saw in the last scene of season 5, Jon Snow died with his eyes open. Here his eyes are still open and someone appears to be closing them. Based on the hair and the black sleeve, we believe it’s Jon’s good friend Dolorous Edd. The assassins certainly did a number on Jon- check out the cuts in his clothing.

2 light

In Meereen, common people run through a plaza while Tyrion and Varys look on, in surprise or puzzlement.



Then we have an exciting new shot of the action at the Tower of Joy! We can see two armored knights of the Targaryen-era Kingsguard, drawing their swords, about to fight. The one of the left is played by Eddie Eyre (listed as playing “Alfred Hunrith”), the one on the right looks to be Luke Roberts (his CV credits him as playing “Rowland Selwyn”).

We could speculate all day which show character correlates to which book character- Arthur Dayne, Oswell Whent, Gerold Hightower- but with GoT giving the characters coded/new names, it’s all just guessing.



We have a new shot of the Night’s King and a frighteningly large number of White Walkers and wight behind him. The army of the dead appears to be on the move.


This brief scene has popped up in previous trailers, and it’s still a complete mystery: a man (?) taking down a runner with a flaming ball on a chain. With the frozen setting, is this from Bran’s storyline, happening near the Three-Eyed Raven’s cave?



Sansa on the run: most likely from the first episode, I’m guessing, now that we’ve seen the clip of Sansa and Theon trying to escape through the woods.


Several ships sailing together through a storm. We know Sam and Gilly will be traveling together, so they could be on a ship in a storm. There being several ships at once, however, makes me wonder if this is part of a fleet belong to a Greyjoy.


Looking at the setting, clothing, and the intimacy of the situation, this embrace between Cersei and Jaime may come just after Cersei’s emotional scene that was revealed in a clip from episode 1.


We see the late Myrcella is lying in view as Jaime confronts the High Sparrow in the Great Sept of Baelor.




And some of the same battle shots we’ve glimpsed in previous teasers and trailers: archers and Bolton soldiers fighting, with Ramsay Bolton leading his army.





This is from Arya and the Waif’s tussling- we saw more from this moment in the last trailer.


The Dothraki riders Qhono (Staz Nair) and Ahko (Chuku Modu) force Daenerys along the road to Vaes Dothrak, with Qhono whipping the khaleesi. Definitely a bad situation for Daenerys in season 6.



We finally get a look at what’s happening in Dorne! Okay, it’s not much. Nice to see Indira Varma though. Several guards can be spotted in the distance; it seems likely, since she planned the murder of Myrcella, that Ellaria is a prisoner of Doran Martell now.


The shot of the Sons of the Harpy seen in a previous trailer. Harpies gotta harpy, I guess:


The ever-present Drogon-over-the-Dothraki shot. Quit playing with your dinner, and go save your mother, dammit!25


Tormund and the wildlings in battle. Our favorite gingerbeard is seeing something interesting.


A few now-familiar battle shots of banners, shields and soldiers (Bolton, Mormont and more) –



This is a new shot of a weirwood tree, now covered in ice, with Bran Stark standing before it in his vision. The tree seems to be surrounded by tall stones- it reminds me of the icy Stonehenge from season 4. This image blends into him turning to see the Night’s King.




To me this hand looks like Dany’s.


This is without a doubt the least happy Melisandre has ever looked while taking her clothes off. I don’t think this is your typical Melisandre-uses-her-sexiness scene.  She looks as completely sad and un-Mel-like as you can imagine. If she’s baring her breast a la Nissa Nissa, that could explain it. 34

Arya parkouring herself out of a jam in Braavos, as you do.


Littlefinger, creepin’ in the woods. It’s not known who he’s looking at. The setting looks very similar to Sansa and Theon’s icy forest scenes.


Jaime and Mace Tyrell (in his fabulous feathered monstrosity) with a host of Tyrell soldiers in beautiful floral armor head to the sept of Baelor to face the Faith Militant.



And of course, Tyrion comes to face to face with his childhood dream only to realize what an incredibly bad idea it was.



What was your favorite part of the new promo, readers? I’m stoked for every frame of footage I see of the Tower of Joy. Give me all the visions and flashbacks, all of ’em. I am so ready for season 6.

The post Breakdown of the newest Game of Thrones promo! appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.

Via http://watchersonthewall.com

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