Thursday, April 21, 2016

Emilia Clarke and Joe Naufahu talk season 6 and the new khal

Dany and Moro

Khal Moro and Daenerys. Photo: HBO/Farfarawaysite

The Dothraki are making a big comeback on Game of Thrones, as Daenerys will discover soon. Emilia Clarke and Joe Naufahu tease season 6 in the latest interviews, with the khaleesi and the new khal on the block discussing their characters.

“He’s Dothraki, so he’s a bit of a brute,” Naufahu says of his new character, Khal Moro, talking to the Hollywood Reporter. “But he’s also quite loyal. He follows traditions very strictly. He’s loyal to the living, and he’s loyal to the dead as well. He’s not as much of a chauvinist as some of the other Dothraki.” Naufahu apparently confirmed to THR that this loyalty to the dead “should have viewers thinking about Drogo” and that “there’s a connection there.”

Moro must be one hell of a warrior- like Drogo, he has the long uncut hair of a great warrior. “My hair was down to my butt,” Naufahu tells THR, “and that’s because [Moro] has never been beat.”

Clarke shares her thoughts on Daenerys’ handling of the Dothraki. She may have once been married to Drogo but to the current khalasar, she is powerless and she’ll find challenges in the new season. But Clarke is confident Daenerys can handle it. “I’m a Khaleesi,” she says to THR. “They can try to step up to this, but they will fail.”

Naufahu describes what it was like, joining Game of Thrones and filming his role for the first time. “I remember being on set for the first time, sitting with my two wives and bloodriders. I kind of had to pinch myself… the Khaleesi was coming up to me!”

Moro and wives

Photo: HBO/Farfarawaysite

Check out the article at the Hollywood Reporter for more on Khal Moro and the challenges of learning Dothraki!

Emilia Clarke also talks to Variety this week about the new season, and I mean she really talks it up. The actress says:

I’m going to be surprised if people’s televisions don’t explode, like actually explode or computers have to be pushed aside. It’s huge, it’s ridiculously huge. I remember reading the scripts and being like, “So, everything we’ve ever managed to do in one entire season, we’re like doubling and putting into Season 6?” It’s astonishing. It’s really, truly astonishing how much work has been done out of one season. It’s the biggest, baddest season so far, for sure.

On her bosses David Benioff and D.B. Weiss:

They write so well. They have absolutely spoiled me rotten for reading any other kind of script because they’re so good at what they do. You get spoiled. You don’t get to read that caliber of writing all the time, reading other scripts. It’s so sweet because they always crack each other up. They’re best mates, and you feel it. They really like each other and we all really love them. When you’re doing the biggest battles on television, and killing people and blood and guts and boobs and fires and dragons, the heart of it needs to be two best friends, having the time of their lives, writing a show that people love to watch.

Clarke talks about the show’s Emmy win, the vibe on set, her bosses’ attempts to set her up on dates (!), and much more in the complete interview at Variety.

The post Emilia Clarke and Joe Naufahu talk season 6 and the new khal appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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