Saturday, April 23, 2016

Emilia Clarke talks about swearing in Valyrian; Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner chat about growing up on GoT


Emilia Clarke chats about her favorite Valyrian and Dothraki phrases, while Maisie Williams admits that being a teenager while starring in Game of Thrones wasn’t always easy. Sophie Turner visits with WSJ Cafe and GQ this week, as we near the season 6 premiere.

In part 2 of her interview with Entertainment Weekly (you can read our coverage of part 1 here) Emilia Clarke discussed her handle on Game of Thrones‘ fictional languages. Though her character speaks Dothraki fluently, Clarke can’t say the same of herself.

“Dothraki is this weird thing as it goes into your brain for as long as you need it to and then [whisper noise] – it disappears, gone … I was doing this scene with Joe Naufahu and the camera is on him. So my brain goes, ‘We don’t need Dothraki anymore because [the camera] isn’t on me, it’s not on my face, so you can just forget it.’ But annoyingly, I still need to speak even though it’s his close-up. So I found myself making it up and the hilarity that ensued was ridiculous. I looked at him dead in the eye said: ”All-la-tat-tat-tat-TAT-TAT!”

Though she said she doesn’t use Dothraki terminology in her daily life, she does find one Valyrian word to be a handy replacement for expletives: Dracarys. “You’re just like, ‘Dracarys’ and it makes you feel better and the other person has no idea what you’re doing. But in your mind, you’re setting them on fire. So there’s something beautiful about that,” she said.

Maisie Williams spoke to The Guardian about what it was like transitioning from childhood to young adulthood while starring in a hit TV show. Though it certainly had its upsides, she found media scrutiny frustrating to deal with.

“When I came into this industry, I was just a regular girl,” she said. “Now I know people can twist what you say. That’s really tough … It’s not something that really bothers me now … [but] for a long time [it did], particularly when I was 16 and people online were saying, ‘You can’t dress like that, you’re 12’ … So to have that and then everything else from being on the show was mind-blowing.”

Sophie Turner appeared on the WSJ Cafe and discussed her own experience growing up on a television set. She talked about “having a ball” auditioning to play Sansa age 13, the sense of camaraderie amongst the cast members and the blessing of not growing up with stereotypical showbiz parents.

While working on her GQ photo shoot, Turner took the time to play GoT trivia, identifying real vs. fake characters:

For Variety, Emilia Clarke fields fan questions from Twitter, talking about what Dany is up to in season 6 and who she’d love to see back on Game of Thrones.

The post Emilia Clarke talks about swearing in Valyrian; Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner chat about growing up on GoT appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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