Sunday, April 3, 2016

Kit Harington takes a lie-detector test, and the Game of Thrones cast on avoiding revealing spoilers

Kit Harington is facing even more heat as Game of Thrones season 6 draws near as absolutely no one is willing to accept that Jon may actually be dead. Late night talk show host Jonathan Ross is among the many that believes he will be resurrected and took matters into his own hands for the truth.

IGN also has an interview with other members of the Game of Thrones cast on their approach to avoid revealing spoilers.

Kit Harington is shocked to find no one believes he is actually dead.

He also further explains why he was still involved in filming:

I was playing a corpse. I was there for a little bit, I was there for about a month or two months, it was spread over a bit and I was playing a corpse. I won’t tell you how many episodes I’m lying dead but it’s enough that I was out there for quite a while. It’s going to be so satisfying when you see it and you realise that I was telling the truth the whole time.

How he avoids spoiling the new season:

I am no longer involved in the show so any secrets that are with the show I don’t actually know anymore, so it becomes very easy Jonathan. You’re looking at me like you don’t believe me. It’s going to be so relieving when people actually see the show and realise that I don’t come back.

Even the Duchess of Cambridge is dying to know Jon’s fate:

Me and my brother got invited to Wimbledon as you do and a Royal was hosting, we didn’t know which Royal it was and it was the Duchess of Cornwall, and she was hosting it and we got sat with her, me and my brother. She leant over the table and said, “Are you dead?” No word of a lie.

Special thanks to Independent for the quotes!

Other members of the Game of Thrones cast are also getting their fair share of spoiler related questions including Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton), Iwan Rheon (Ramsay), Alfie Allen (Theon), Maisie Williams (Arya), Liam Cunningham (Davos), Carice Van Houten (Melisandre), Dean-Charles Chapman (Tommen), John Bradley (Sam), and Ian Beattie (Meryn Trant) from IGN.

Since the TV series is surpassing the books, IGN asks if the actors think they have an influence on the character’s fate with the showrunners.

McElhatton: None whatsoever! No, I think it’s all very well planned out in advance.

Rheon: The thing with those two is, whatever you said, they’d probably do the opposite just to piss you off..!

On the cast’s expectations of the new season vs. the actual scripts:

Allen: For me it was just thoroughly disappointing… [laughs]  No, I guess I don’t want to say anything, or give away any sort of tidbit about what is going to be there, because for me it could be equally as dark and horrible but still as fun to do and play. But I’m just glad to be there…. [laughs] Sorry…

Williams: game-of-thrones-001221834This series for Arya, being blind is a massive challenge. For the last season, when I got to wear the contacts for that one scene it was really exciting and I was really looking forward to this year. Little did I know, after about a week of doing stunts with them in, my eyes started to stream… [laughs] It was definitely a challenge but that’s what I love about playing Arya and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Cunningham: The first episode, the kick-off with her [points to Carice Van Houten], is astonishing.

Houten: Yes…! But it’s not what you think it is, it’s something else. I knew it was coming at some point, people had talked about it before to me, but I wasn’t sure when it was going to happen… oh, this is really vague… but it should be. And it’s in Episode 1 already.

Chapman: There’s a lot in Season 6 that I can’t tell you about… Uh…. I’ll say Tommen has a new objective, that’s all I could say… it’s a very good season.

Bradley: People don’t really want to know. They don’t. They say, in a vaguely jovial way, ‘Have you got any spoilers?’ and you just think, well listen to yourself. Listen to the word you’ve used. You want me to “spoil” it! If you told them and said, “OK, I’ll save you time,” not just relating to this, but to any cliffhanger, they’ll say [disappointed voice] “Oh… You’ve ruined it now…”

Touché, Bradley.

Meryn Trant (Ian Beattie) is back from the dead with his thoughts

I only ever read my scenes and I remember the last day of Season 4, I’d spent the entire season saying, “I don’t want to know what happens next!”, and me, Jaime and Joffrey were filming in the King’s Guard room. I finish the scene, sitting outside having a cigarette and Charles Dance [Tywin Lannister] walks past and says, “The little bastard [Tyrion] finally killed me!” Biggest spoiler ever…

For more, head on over to IGN!

Did Kit and Carice smother any of your hopes for Jon’s resurrection? Or will Azor Ahai rise from the flames in Season 6? Let us know below!

The post Kit Harington takes a lie-detector test, and the Game of Thrones cast on avoiding revealing spoilers appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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