Sunday, April 24, 2016

These Illustrated "Game Of Thrones" Playing Cards Are Amazing

Khaleesi is Queen (of Diamonds).

Illustrator Amanda Penley is designing a set of playing cards with Game of Thrones characters on them, and they're pretty perfect:

Illustrator Amanda Penley is designing a set of playing cards with Game of Thrones characters on them, and they're pretty perfect:

Amanda Penley

The suit of Spades is House Stark, with Ned as the King, Sansa as the Queen, Arya as the Jack, and Jon Snow as the Joker.

The suit of Spades is House Stark, with Ned as the King, Sansa as the Queen, Arya as the Jack, and Jon Snow as the Joker.

Ned's sword is a nod to his decapitation, Sansa's bird is a reference to her nickname ("little bird"), and Arya is holding Needle. Jon Snow is the Joker because Penley views "him as a wildcard, especially because we're not sure of his heritage, or what will become of him."

Amanda Penley

House Targaryen is the suit of Diamonds, with Khal Drogo as the King, Daenerys (Khaleesi) as the Queen, and Missandei and Jorah as two halves of the Jack.

House Targaryen is the suit of Diamonds, with Khal Drogo as the King, Daenerys (Khaleesi) as the Queen, and Missandei and Jorah as two halves of the Jack.

"House Targaryen as the Suit of Diamonds. Diamond suit represents fire, judgement, and career. Fitting for our Queen." Drogo is shown with his curved sword, while Daenerys is holding a dragon egg.

Amanda Penley

The suit of Hearts is House Lannister, with Joffrey as the King, Cersei and Jaime as two halves of the Queen, and Tyrion as the Jack.

The suit of Hearts is House Lannister, with Joffrey as the King, Cersei and Jaime as two halves of the Queen, and Tyrion as the Jack.

Joffrey's wine is a nod to his death, Tyrion's quill represents his wits, and Cersei and Jaime share a card because they are twins.

Amanda Penley

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1 comment:

  1. The design of the above playing cards are really good. Thanks for sharing with us!
