Saturday, April 23, 2016

Watch all the footage yet released from Game of Thrones Season 6 in one place

Game of Thrones Season 6 will premiere in one day. To prepare yourself, feel free to browse below and sample all the footage from the season yet released, from trailers to clips to also clips. In some cases, we can basically reconstruct whole scenes, but don’t worry: HBO has been careful not to release anything that will give the game away overmuch. Consider this one last giant tease before the premiere arrives and that great big ball of tension that’s been building for months is finally deflated.

Let’s start with the very first teaser HBO for Season 6, all the way back in December of 2015. There’s no new footage, but we heard’s new dialogue from Bran for the first time since Season 4, and a taste of the kind of training he’ll get under the Three-Eyed Raven. We shouldn’t forget that HBO led with Bran—odds are he’ll play a key part in the wars to come.

The three “banner tease” videos HBO released back in January don’t have new footage, either, but the dialogue suggests the predicaments several of our characters will find themselves in. Back among the Dothraki, Daenerys can’t get any respect…

…while in the North, Ramsay goads someone by claiming that Winterfell is his. But who?

And finally, in King’s Landing, the High Sparrow outlines the Sparrow’s philosophy. We would later see the High Sparrow speaking this dialogue in the first official Season 6 trailer.

You wanna something weird? That trailer, the one underscored by James Vincent McMorrow’s cover of “wicked game,” has been removed from the official Game of Thrones YouTube channel. Luckily, we still have our exhaustive screencap and GIF breakdowns.

Odd. Anyway, here it is subtitled in Spanish.

Cersei gets the line of the trailer: “I choose violence.”

And then came the second trailer, which eschewed alternative music in favor of sinister synth beats. Say hello to Walder Frey, the fight at the Tower of Joy, the Night’s King walking against a wall of flame, and much more.

Line of trailer goes to Tyrion, as it so often does: “That’s what I do. I drink, and I know things.”

Later, HBO released a mini-trailer in honor of March Madness, and while we’d already seen much of the footage, we still got a couple of new shots, including that one of Wun Wun the giant smashing through a door.

The final mini-trailer was released just last week, and included our first glimpse of Dorne in Season 6 as well as a nifty bit of dialogue from Tyrion about the ubiquity of people who want to murder you.

Let’s switch over to clips. Conan gave us a glimpse of a scene from the end of the first trailer, of Davos and some of the Night’s Watchmen facing down some of Alliser Thorne’s mutineers. The clip starts around 1:48.

Conan did pretty well when it came to clips. It also scored this one, of Sam Tarly and Gilly on their way to Oldtown. It seems Sam doesn’t take to the sea well. It starts at 0:25.

Not all the clips appeared on talk shows. HBO released these next three itself. First, Dany arrives in her new home.

Next, Cersei and Jaime commiserate over a death in the family.

And finally, Sansa and Theon run like hell from Ramsay’s dogs.

What do they do when they reach the edge of that river? Jimmy Kimmel has the answer. It starts at 0:27.

What’s Arya up to at the beginning of the season, you ask? Nothing pleasant, if this clip of her training with the Faceless Men is anything to go by.

And finally, Good Morning America got a hold of a clip in which Jaime Lannister confronts the High Sparrow next to the body of his dead daughter. Naturally, it cuts out right before the good part. The clip starts at 0:15.

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And then, Nicolaj Coster-Waldau debuted an extended version of the clip on Late Night with Stephen Colbert.

It’s nice to finally get an explanation of why they put those weird eyestones on dead bodies.

And that’s it! Now all that remains is the waiting.


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