Sunday, May 8, 2016

Jon Snow cleans house (Video)

So after all that, Jon Snow is alive again. And as we learned at the top of the episode, he hadn’t warged into Ghost. He really was dead. He even remembers Olly putting the knife in his heart. And death….basically sucks. There’s no heaven in Westeros. No hell, no afterlife. No comfy godswood to go chill out in, no peace. Nothing. Just…nothing.

And after discovering the lack of an afterlife, and a very serious Davos pep talk, Jon Snow is turning out to be a very different man. He has a sense of humor!

Here there be SPOILERS!

GoT ep300002

Spoilers….I’m not wearing any clothes!

Sp-Sp-Spoilers (Turn and face the strange)
Don’t tell them to grow up and out of it
Sp-Sp-Spoilers (Turn and face the strange)

So after years of dutifully being his father’s son and following the Eddard Stark Code of How To Die Quickly In Westeros, Jon Snow seems to have decided, post-death, that he can be a new man. No more of this passing the sentence and swinging the sword stuff on a one on one level. Now he swings the sword and four men die at once. Edd’s not fetching any blocks for him anymore. (Not that he ever did on the show, but you get the idea.) Instead, Jon Snow kills his enemies en masse. He hangs them.

Here, you need to see that Olly close up again, don’t you? I thought so.

But there’s a further step here, and that’s Jon’s choice of what he’s going to do with the rest of his life, now that he’s got it back. And let’s be real, it’s not like he’s got anywhere else to go in the Night’s Watch. It’s a dead end job, and once you’ve been Lord Commander, there’s no more room for promotion. It’s time to pick a different career path.

Check out the video!

And with that, Now His Watch Has Ended.

Edd is Lord Commander now. And Jon Snow….well we’ll have to wait until next week to see what his next steps are.


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