Pixar has been slow to admit that the sequel game is where the money is at. But despite still managing to turn out stunning creative new works like Inside Out, when it comes to the Disney bottom line, sometimes they have to give in–which is why we had Toy Story 3 nearly two decades after the first two, and this weekend, Finding Dory has finally found its way to theaters a decade after Finding Nemo did the same.
Back when Finding Nemo was the big movie, of course, Game of Thrones was merely the title to the first book of a series called A Song of Ice and Fire, read mainly by total dorks, not the biggest show on Earth. But now, with Dory hitting theaters as GoT Season 6 reaches it’s episode 9 apex, it’s only logical that fans are mashing the two together into the most bizarre Pixar horror film every imagined.
Meanwhile, while you consider the horrors that could be waiting under the sea, Italian artist Valeriano Fatica is bringing a different kind of horror to the family picnic. Behold: The Night’s King….made from Watermelon.
His seeds are really the pits.
Oh, was I fired for that pun? Crap. Good thing there’s a brand new job board for those looking for employment in Westeros. as we all know, with Winter comes the usual years long economic depression, as fields lie fallow, and goods and services are unable to trade due to the weather conditions reported on the Raven New Network’s doppler radar. Thankfully, British job board Time Recruitment has come to the rescue, with a brand new jobs board Westerosi Recruitment. Some jobs currently posted:
- Apprentice at the House of Black & White, which unfortunately is an unpaid internship.
- Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, which is still currently listed as a position one holds until death, despite the last two holders of that office leaving early.
- Personal Assistant to Bran Stark, multitasking–ie carrying Bran about while simultaneously doing all other duties, is required.
- Prince of Dorne, charisma, style and passion are supposedly requirements, However, due to circumstance, this is not an EEOC compliant position.
- King in the North: And I Quote! “The Northern Powerhouse is fast becoming one of the biggest movements in all of Westeros, with more opportunities being created.”
Make sure to check out all the jobs currently listed on their site, and apply today!
Via http://winteriscoming.net/2016/06/19/game-of-thrones-finds-dory-and-other-oddities/
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