Thursday, June 9, 2016

Game of Thrones GIF Recap: “The Broken Man,” Episode 607

Another week, another Game of Thrones transitional episode. In Episode 606, “Blood of My Blood,” we needed a breather after the traumatic deaths of Summer and Hodor, and this week, with “The Broken Man,” it feels like the showrunners are setting us up for the final three episodes of Season 6.

Despite the transitional nature of “The Broken Man,” there were some fantastic scenes, and thanks to the amazing folks at COUB, we can run through them with the wonderment and magic of HD-quality GIFs.

We start our GIF breakdown with the cold open that reintroduced Rory McCann as Sandor Clegane. The Hound’s done things…things too horrible to speak of.

Back to reality: the Hound is back, baby!

Septon Swearengen had his group of hippies building what looks like a sept. Maybe he should have used his crew from The Pillars of the Earth.

Sandor admitted that a woman wrecked his world. Good for you, Sandor. You’re growing.

The gods aren’t through with you yet, Sandor Clegane. CLEGANEBOWL GET HYPE!

In King’s Landing, the creepy, dirty old High Sparrow reminded Margaery that it was her duty to give up that booty to her prepubescent husband.

After some veiled threats from the High Sparrow, Margaery went to visit her grandmother, and the Queen of Thorns not very pleased that Septa Unella came along for the visit.

And then, Margaery slipped Lady Olenna a warning: a piece of paper with the rose of House Tyrell on it. This rose is different from other roses we’ve seen on the show. This is the “GTFO Rose.”

In the North, Jon and Tormund are trying to convince the wildlings to join their cause, but it’s not looking good until Wun Wun weighs in.

 Back in King’s Landing, Cersei tries to make peace with her rival…it didn’t go as well as she’d hoped.

Then Lady Olenna delivers the knock-out blow.

 In the Riverlands, Jaime is still making promises to Bronn.

The ridiculous Freys in their ridiculous hats couldn’t follow through on a promise…

…but Jaime sure does.

Jaime parlayed with the Blackfish, and it was amazing.

And now we take you to beautiful Bear Island…

…where the amazing Lyanna Mormont held court.

She even made her old maester talk to the hand.

In the end, Lady Lyanna Mormont pledged her 62 men to Jon and Sansa’s cause.

Things didn’t go as well for Jon and Sansa at House Glover.

Sansa still didn’t have enough faith in the forces she and Jon had cobbled together, and sent a raven to Littlefinger asking for help…we assume.

In Essos, the Iron Fleet landed in Volantis, and Yara played a new drinking game for Theon.

Playing Yara Cup is easy: whenever Yara tell you to drink, drink.

In Braavos, “Arya” booked passage on a ship back to Westeros with a crap load of coin she didn’t have before.

Then, she allowed herself to get shanked by an old woman with a face she’d already seen in the Hall of Faces, and she didn’t try to defend herself because she didn’t have Needle…dumb move by “Arya.”

Back in the Riverlands (somewhere), Brother Ray was giving a sermon when the members of the Brotherhood Without Banners Manners showed up, led by Lem Lemoncloak.

 And finally, when the Hound’s away, the Brotherhood will play…or, y’know kill everyone.

We leave you with this, from Ian McShane.

That’s it for this week, kiddos. Tune in next week when we breakdown Game of Thrones Episode 608, “No One.”


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