Thursday, June 23, 2016

Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9 “Battle of the Bastards” video roundup

We made it! Episode 9! Hooray! Anecdotally, the bar I watch the show at regularly erupted in cheering and yells and this time it wasn’t just me. Were our video people as excited about this episode as us plebians? Let’s see! So many thumbnails in which Jon is adorable despite his imprisoned mane.

Ozzy Man, lay it on us:

Cenk, Brett, Ben without glasses, which is confusing, and resident nerd Jon

Sandrine and Americ on episode 9. They also have a discussion video up with some rando named Kenny? Never heard of him.

Afterbuzz in which the female host stole my Monday morning hangover glasses look

And Gay of Thrones, of course!


History of Westeros show-only review


SF Nerd: sidenote, I’m not really digging SF’s political coverage but my favorite iteration of SF was way back with the Original Three so I’ll just be over here…

Smokescreen solo review. I should probably note that he does speculation videos for upcoming episodes if that is your thing…

Dem Thrones

One more episode, one last week: if an episode is called the same thing as an upcoming book, what is to be expected? See you on the other side!

The post Game of Thrones Season 6, Episode 9 “Battle of the Bastards” video roundup appeared first on Watchers on the Wall.


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