Sunday, June 12, 2016

More Game of Thrones Season 6 Episodes Leak

We have 90 minutes until game of thrones airs, but some people just could wait that long.

As of right this minute, Game of Thrones Season 6, episode 8 “No One is on pirate sites across the globe and being gleefully downloaded by fans who could not wait until 9pm tonight.

The production went to extraordinary lengths this year to keep things under wraps, now that the how has gone “off book.” The continuing argument is that if the audience knows things ahead, they won’t appreciate it as much if they hear the twists and turns prior to the episode. Despite this draconian policy, leaks have been spilling out the sides of the production, from a YouTube channel that described in detail what would happen in the first few episode this season. Also, episode 5, “The Door” was accidentally uploaded a day early to HBO Nordic, and was on pirate sites for 24 hours before the show aired. (Funny even with the leak, Hodor’s death, which was the show’s big twist for that episode didn’t seem to effect the audience any less, suggesting that perhaps the production is protesting too much about that aspect.)

Last season’s massive leak of the first four episodes of the season lead Game of Thrones to smash all illegal download records. This season pirating is still an issue, and the show is once again on track to be the most pirated show of the season–just a few orders of magnitude smaller.

But as of this writing, there are also files floating around the pirate sites labelled “episode 9” and “episode 10,” but there is not yet any indication that these are the real deal. if in fact they are, and the Battle of the Bastards and The Winds of Winter are available, Game of thrones might give itself a run for it’s own money.



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